生成的 MTLTexture 比 CGImage 更轻
Resulting MTLTexture lighter than CGImage
我有内核函数,它必须像 apple guide https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/displaying_an_ar_experience_with_metal 中那样将 pixelBuffer(ARFrame.capturedImage) 创建的 Y 和 CbCr 纹理转换为 RGB 纹理
kernel void renderTexture(texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureY [[ texture(0) ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureCbCr [[ texture(1) ]],
texture2d<float, access::read_write> outTextue [[texture(2)]],
uint2 size [[threads_per_grid]],
uint2 pid [[thread_position_in_grid]]){
constexpr sampler colorSampler(mip_filter::linear,
const float4x4 ycbcrToRGBTransform = float4x4(
float4(+1.0000f, +1.0000f, +1.0000f, +0.0000f),
float4(+0.0000f, -0.3441f, +1.7720f, +0.0000f),
float4(+1.4020f, -0.7141f, +0.0000f, +0.0000f),
float4(-0.7010f, +0.5291f, -0.8860f, +1.0000f)
float2 texCoord;
texCoord.x = float(pid.x) / size.x;
texCoord.y = float(pid.y) / size.y;
// Sample Y and CbCr textures to get the YCbCr color at the given texture coordinate
float4 ycbcr = float4(capturedImageTextureY.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).r,
capturedImageTextureCbCr.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).rg, 1.0);
float4 color = ycbcrToRGBTransform * ycbcr;
outTextue.write(color, pid);
我使用以下代码创建 CGImage:
var cgImage: CGImage?
VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, options: nil, imageOut: &cgImage)
当我尝试使用 MTKTextureLoader 从 cgImage 创建纹理时,我也忽略了光照纹理
如何像 cgImage 一样使用普通光获得 MTLTexture
let descriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
descriptor.width = Int(Self.maxTextureSize.width)
descriptor.height = Int(Self.maxTextureSize.height)
descriptor.usage = [.shaderWrite, .shaderRead]
let texture = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()?.makeTexture(descriptor: descriptor)
已经尝试过 MTLTextureDescriptor 的不同像素格式
let textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!)
let texturee = try! textureLoader.newTexture(cgImage: cgImage!, options: [.SRGB : (false as NSNumber)])
已经尝试过不同的 MTKTextureLoader.Options
GitHub 项目演示问题: PixelBufferToMTLTexture
when I try to create texture from cgImage with MTKTextureLoader I get
over lighted texture
If the value is false, the image data is treated as linear pixel data.
If the value is true, the image data is treated as sRGB pixel data. If
this key is not specified and the image being loaded has been
gamma-corrected, the image data uses the specified sRGB information.
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "yourTexture", ofType: "png")!
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: path) as! Data
let texture = try! textureLoader.newTexture(with: data, options: [MTKTextureLoaderOptionSRGB : (false as NSNumber)])
您也可以通过向着色器添加 gamma correcting equation 来解决此问题。
- 线性到 sRGB,反之亦然:
rgb = mix(rgb.0.0774, pow(rgb*0.9479 + 0.05213, 2.4), step(0.04045, rgb))
rgb = mix(rgb12.92, pow(rgb*0.4167) * 1.055 - 0.055, step(0.00313, rgb))
问题已解决,感谢 0xBFE1A8,通过添加伽玛校正
outTextue.write(color, pid);
outTextue.write(float4(pow(color.rgb, float3(2,2,2)), color.a), pid);
我有内核函数,它必须像 apple guide https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/displaying_an_ar_experience_with_metal 中那样将 pixelBuffer(ARFrame.capturedImage) 创建的 Y 和 CbCr 纹理转换为 RGB 纹理 但我克服了发光纹理
kernel void renderTexture(texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureY [[ texture(0) ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureCbCr [[ texture(1) ]],
texture2d<float, access::read_write> outTextue [[texture(2)]],
uint2 size [[threads_per_grid]],
uint2 pid [[thread_position_in_grid]]){
constexpr sampler colorSampler(mip_filter::linear,
const float4x4 ycbcrToRGBTransform = float4x4(
float4(+1.0000f, +1.0000f, +1.0000f, +0.0000f),
float4(+0.0000f, -0.3441f, +1.7720f, +0.0000f),
float4(+1.4020f, -0.7141f, +0.0000f, +0.0000f),
float4(-0.7010f, +0.5291f, -0.8860f, +1.0000f)
float2 texCoord;
texCoord.x = float(pid.x) / size.x;
texCoord.y = float(pid.y) / size.y;
// Sample Y and CbCr textures to get the YCbCr color at the given texture coordinate
float4 ycbcr = float4(capturedImageTextureY.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).r,
capturedImageTextureCbCr.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).rg, 1.0);
float4 color = ycbcrToRGBTransform * ycbcr;
outTextue.write(color, pid);
我使用以下代码创建 CGImage:
var cgImage: CGImage?
VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, options: nil, imageOut: &cgImage)
当我尝试使用 MTKTextureLoader 从 cgImage 创建纹理时,我也忽略了光照纹理
如何像 cgImage 一样使用普通光获得 MTLTexture
let descriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
descriptor.width = Int(Self.maxTextureSize.width)
descriptor.height = Int(Self.maxTextureSize.height)
descriptor.usage = [.shaderWrite, .shaderRead]
let texture = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()?.makeTexture(descriptor: descriptor)
已经尝试过 MTLTextureDescriptor 的不同像素格式
let textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!)
let texturee = try! textureLoader.newTexture(cgImage: cgImage!, options: [.SRGB : (false as NSNumber)])
已经尝试过不同的 MTKTextureLoader.Options
GitHub 项目演示问题: PixelBufferToMTLTexture
when I try to create texture from cgImage with MTKTextureLoader I get over lighted texture
If the value is false, the image data is treated as linear pixel data. If the value is true, the image data is treated as sRGB pixel data. If this key is not specified and the image being loaded has been gamma-corrected, the image data uses the specified sRGB information.
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "yourTexture", ofType: "png")!
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: path) as! Data
let texture = try! textureLoader.newTexture(with: data, options: [MTKTextureLoaderOptionSRGB : (false as NSNumber)])
您也可以通过向着色器添加 gamma correcting equation 来解决此问题。
- 线性到 sRGB,反之亦然:
rgb = mix(rgb.0.0774, pow(rgb*0.9479 + 0.05213, 2.4), step(0.04045, rgb))
rgb = mix(rgb12.92, pow(rgb*0.4167) * 1.055 - 0.055, step(0.00313, rgb))
问题已解决,感谢 0xBFE1A8,通过添加伽玛校正
outTextue.write(color, pid);
outTextue.write(float4(pow(color.rgb, float3(2,2,2)), color.a), pid);