如何在 Azure DevOps 组织的 tfvc 存储库中拉取和推送代码?
How pull and push code in tfvc repo in Azure DevOps Organization?
我想将代码从本地 ubuntu 计算机拉取和推送到 Azure Repo。我使用了回购类型 tfvc。我们如何从 Linux 机器执行此选项?
How pull and push code in tfvc repo in Azure DevOps Organization?
首先我们需要install the Visual Studio code on Linux.
那我们就可以使用微软官方发布的Azure Repos
Create your TFVC workspace
With TFVC, the extension uses information about the current workspace
to determine how to connect to Team Services (or your Team Foundation
Server). Workspaces can be created using the Visual Studio IDE,
Eclipse or with the JetBrains IDEs (e.g, Android Studio, IntelliJ).
Note: At this time, you will need to have a local TFVC workspace already available on your local machine. More information about the
difference between the two types (and how to determine which one
you're using) can be found here.
- TFVC Source Code Control for Visual Studio Code - 这个视频显示
你如何在 Windows 上设置 TFVC 支持并演示了很多
可用于 Team Foundation 版本控制的功能。
- 首先下载 Team Explorer Everywhere 客户端 - https://github.com/Microsoft/team-explorer-everywhere/releases
- 然后下载适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 的 Azure DevOps 服务插件 --https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/azure/devops/java/download-intellij-plug-in?view=azure-devops
- Select get from Version Control
- 然后 select 你的 Azure TFVC DevOps Repo 然后克隆。select AzureDevops TFVC
我想将代码从本地 ubuntu 计算机拉取和推送到 Azure Repo。我使用了回购类型 tfvc。我们如何从 Linux 机器执行此选项?
How pull and push code in tfvc repo in Azure DevOps Organization?
首先我们需要install the Visual Studio code on Linux.
那我们就可以使用微软官方发布的Azure Repos
Create your TFVC workspace
With TFVC, the extension uses information about the current workspace to determine how to connect to Team Services (or your Team Foundation Server). Workspaces can be created using the Visual Studio IDE, Eclipse or with the JetBrains IDEs (e.g, Android Studio, IntelliJ).
Note: At this time, you will need to have a local TFVC workspace already available on your local machine. More information about the difference between the two types (and how to determine which one you're using) can be found here.
- TFVC Source Code Control for Visual Studio Code - 这个视频显示 你如何在 Windows 上设置 TFVC 支持并演示了很多 可用于 Team Foundation 版本控制的功能。
- 首先下载 Team Explorer Everywhere 客户端 - https://github.com/Microsoft/team-explorer-everywhere/releases
- 然后下载适用于 IntelliJ IDEA 的 Azure DevOps 服务插件 --https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/azure/devops/java/download-intellij-plug-in?view=azure-devops
- Select get from Version Control
- 然后 select 你的 Azure TFVC DevOps Repo 然后克隆。select AzureDevops TFVC