语法中的空格会影响 Python 中的性能吗?

Does whitespace in syntax affect performance in Python?


def importcontacts(request):
  context                       = initialize_context(request)
  context['form']               = UploadedFileForm()
  token                         = get_token(request)

  if request.method == 'POST':
    form                        = UploadFileForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

    if form.is_valid():
      contacts                  = request.FILES['file']
      fs                        = FileSystemStorage()
      filename                  = fs.save('import_data.json', contacts)
      uploaded_file_url         = fs.url(filename)
      context['fails']          = ct.import_contacts(uploaded_file_url,
      messages.success(request, 'Contacts imported successfully.')

      return render(request, 'contactsdb/importresult.html', context)

  return render(request, 'contactsdb/import.html', context)

显然这在任何方面都不符合 PEP8,我永远不会将这样的东西投入生产,但与此同时我真的不知道为什么,我也不真正理解为什么代码仍然存在像这样开始工作。我假设所有 space 都会使代码变慢?


这是一个有趣的问题。基本上在操作数和运算符之间使用白色 space 是为了增加可读性。加一白space还是加十只是个人选择。 interpreter/compiler 不关心白色 space。这只是关于可读性。


a = 10
b = 100
c = a + b 


a       =          10
b       =          100     
c       =          a + b

您会注意到第一个比第二个更易读,但这并不意味着第二个是错误的。这只是个人选择的问题。基本上惯例说要遵循第一种方法,但是无论有没有白色 spaces.



间距不应减慢代码速度。与任何其他语言非常相似,您的 python 脚本会被编译为字节码,然后由虚拟机进行解释。解析器通常会去除不是缩进或换行符的注释和空格。 link 进一步解释了如何处理逻辑行:

The end of a logical line is represented by the token NEWLINE. Statements cannot cross logical line boundaries except where NEWLINE is allowed by the syntax (e.g., between statements in compound statements). A logical line is constructed from one or more physical lines by following the explicit or implicit line joining rules.

this one解释了如何对待物理的:

A physical line ends in whatever the current platform's convention is for terminating lines. On Unix, this is the ASCII LF (linefeed) character. On DOS/Windows, it is the ASCII sequence CR LF (return followed by linefeed). On Macintosh, it is the ASCII CR (return) character.

link 进一步解释了如何处理缩进:

Leading whitespace (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of a logical line is used to compute the indentation level of the line, which in turn is used to determine the grouping of statements.


def perm(l):
        # Compute the list of all permutations of l
    if len(l) <= 1:
                  return [l]
    r = []
    for i in range(len(l)):
             s = l[:i] + l[i+1:]
             p = perm(s)
             for x in p:
              r.append(l[i:i+1] + x)
    return r