
When using vertx routes without annotations, how do you define the security?

当使用像下面这样的 vertx 路由时,我将如何使用 @RolesAllowed@Authenticated

public void routes(@Observes Router router) {
     router.get("/hello").handler(rc -> rc.response().end("Hello from my route"));

我想我必须重写我的路线以使用 resteasy with mutiny,如图 here. It's an application I'm porting from vertx to quarkus and I was hoping I wouldn't have to rewrite everything, especially the routes. There is also the case of getting better performance 使用反应路线。就我而言,这真的很有帮助。但我必须写一个带有 resteasy 和 mutiny 并比较


仅供参考,最新版本的 Quarkus 现在也支持 Reactive Routes 中的安全性。

但是从 1.11 版本开始,Quarkus 将附带 Reactive JAXRS,这可能比 Reactive Routes 更好更容易使用。