MIPS 异常 6 [Bad instruction address] for Newton's Method of finding Square Roots

MIPS Exception 6 [Bad instruction address] for Newton's Method of finding Square Roots

我正在尝试实施牛顿法来计算给定 k 的整数平方根(此处为 $a0)。我得到了正确的输出,但随后出现了无限系列的异常 6 错误,如下所示:

sqrt(32) = 5
sqrt(33) = 5
sqrt(34) = 5
sqrt(35) = 6
sqrt(36) = 6
sqrt(37) = 6
Exception occurred at PC=0x00000024
  Bad address in text read: 0x00000025
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored
Exception occurred at PC=0x00000028
  Bad address in text read: 0x00000028
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored
Exception occurred at PC=0x0000002c
  Bad address in text read: 0x0000002c
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored
Exception occurred at PC=0x00000030
  Bad address in text read: 0x00000030
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored
Exception occurred at PC=0x00000034
  Bad address in text read: 0x00000034
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored
Exception occurred at PC=0x00000038
  Bad address in text read: 0x00000038
  Exception 6  [Bad instruction address]  occurred and ignored


您的 main 函数将 $ra 的值保存在 $s0 中并假定 $s0 将保持不变,但 sqrt 函数将修改 $s0.

$ra 保存在不同的寄存器或堆栈中。 或者将 jr $s0 替换为:

li $v0,10