重新连接到服务器时,管道不会发生 SSL 握手

SSL Handshake is not happening from the pipeline while doing reconnection to servers


  1. 在 Main class 中,我将尝试连接到服务器并附加 Channel Listener 以用于将来的操作。
  2. 如果连接建立成功,则 SSL 握手完成没有任何问题。
  3. 但如果第 1 步中的连接失败,我将尝试连接到相同或不同的服务器,并再次附加与点相同的相同频道侦听器。
  4. 但如果连接建立,预计它应该像第 2 点中那样进行 SSL 握手。但事实并非如此。即使我在 SslHandler 中强制调用 renegotiate 方法。


如果使用 bootstrap 对象连接到服务器时出现任何连接异常,预计应该是 SSL 握手。

实际行为 它在重试时跳过 SSL 握手,但失败时出现 UnknownMessage type expected(ByteBuf)


  1. 主连接时
    public class Main {    
    private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class);    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClientConfig clientConfig = null;
        LOGGER.info("initializing Agent Stats uploader");
        // Set up.
        Bootstrap clientBootstrap = getBootstrap();
        clientConfig = ClientConfig.getInstance();
        InetSocketAddress server = clientConfig.getPrimaryScnInetAddrs();
        // Make a new connection.
        LOGGER.info("Initialization complete, ready to connect to the host and port  {}:{}", server.getHostName(),
        ServerChannelFutureListener serverChannelFutureListener = ServerChannelFutureListener.getInstance();
        ChannelPromise channelPromise =
                (ChannelPromise) clientBootstrap.connect(server).addListener(serverChannelFutureListener);
        EventLoopGroup eventGroupExecutor = clientBootstrap.config().group();
        AgentStatsProcess agentStatsThread = AgentStatsProcess.getInstance();
        eventGroupExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(agentStatsThread, clientConfig.getInitialDelay(),
                clientConfig.getScheduleInterval(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        LOGGER.info("Scheduled Agent Stats uploading, should start in 30 secs");
        LOGGER.info("Connection complete");
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
                LOGGER.info("Killing AgentStatUploader Thread");
    public static final Bootstrap getBootstrap() {
    EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
     b.handler(new AgentStatsChannelInitializationHandler());
     b.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
     b.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
     return b;
  1. 具有用于在步骤 1 中实现重试逻辑的 Channel Future 处理程序
    public final class ServerChannelFutureListener implements GenericFutureListener {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerChannelFutureListener.class.getName());
    private static ServerChannelFutureListener instance;
    private AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(1);
    private ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.getInstance();
    private boolean isPrimary=true;
    private ChannelFuture channelFuture;
    private Bootstrap clientBootStrap;
    private long timeout;
    private ServerChannelFutureListener(){
    this.timeout = clientConfig.getRetryAfter();
    public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
    channelFuture = future;
    int maxretries = clientConfig.getMaxRetries();
    if (!future.isSuccess()) {
    logger.info("Connection to {} scn is not successful, retrying ({}/{})", getServerType(), count.get(),maxretries);
    logger.debug("Connection to server is failed with error: ",future.cause());
    if ( count.incrementAndGet() > maxretries) {
    // fails to connect even after max-retries, try to connect to next server.
    logger.info("Failed to connect to {} server, will try to connect to {} now.",
    isPrimary() ? "SECONDARY":"PRIMARY");
            isPrimary = !isPrimary();
            this.timeout = clientConfig.getRetryAfter();
            logger.info("Connecting Server type changed, so resetting timeout: {}", this.timeout);
            // retry
            logger.info("Exponential Back-off set to: {} secs, waiting for next server connection", this.timeout);
            this.timeout = ExpontentialBackOff.getNextBackOff(this.timeout);
        InetSocketAddress server = getServer();
        logger.info("Initialization complete, ready to connect to the host and port  {}:{}", server.getHostName(),
        channelFuture = clientBootStrap.connect(server).addListener(this);
     }else {
        logger.info("Using Connection with config: {}, to Server {} ", future.channel().config(),
        this.timeout = clientConfig.getRetryAfter();
        logger.info("Time out Back-off reset to: {} for next server connection", this.timeout);
    private String getServerType() {
    return isPrimary() ? "PRIMARY" : "SECONDARY";
    private InetSocketAddress getServer(){
    return isPrimary()?clientConfig.getPrimaryScnInetAddrs():clientConfig.getSecondaryScnInetAddrs();
    public static ServerChannelFutureListener getInstance(){
    if(null == instance){
    instance = new ServerChannelFutureListener();
    return instance;
    public boolean isPrimary() {
    return isPrimary;
    public ChannelFuture getChannelFuture() {
    return channelFuture;
    public void setClientBootStrap(Bootstrap cb) {
    this.clientBootStrap = cb;

预期是 SSL 握手应该在尝试重新连接但失败后发生。

Netty 版本:4.1.12.Final

修复了这个问题,这里的罪魁祸首是“ProtobufVarint32FrameDecoder”和它的父Class“ByteToMessageDecoder”。 “ByteToMessageDecoder”确保它的子 classes 不可共享。

因为上面的 classes 不可共享,每次代码尝试使用 boostrap 重新连接时,初始化程序 class 无法在管道中添加处理程序导致“ctx.close()”和没有处理程序。

我已经解决了将这两个 class 添加到我的项目中的问题,并提出了 #10371 错误来解决这个问题。