在折线图的 R 中更改 theme_pander 包中的图例名称和变量名称

Changing the legend name and variable name in the theme_pander package in R on a line graph


Raw_Plot_Cases <- 
  ggplot(Combined_Averages_Cases, aes(x = date, y = CasesperDay, group = Political_Party, color = Political_Party)) +

Raw_Plot_Cases <- Raw_Plot_Cases +
  theme_pander() +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", labels = date_format("%b %d")) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c('#0015BC','#DE0100')) +
  theme(plot.title.position = "plot",
        plot.caption = element_markdown(),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        axis.title.x = element_text(),
        legend.title = element_text("Political Party")) + 
    labs(title = "Average State-Wide Daily Covid-19 Cases",
         subtitle = "By Political Party",
         x = "Date", 
         y = "Daily Cases",
         caption = "Data from *The New York Times*, based on reports from state and local health agencies.")

主题决定了事物(如图例标题)的格式 - 它不定义文本。您的图例看起来是 color 个图例。设置颜色图例的名称标签的两个不错的选择是 (a) 在您设置所有其他文本的 labs() 调用中添加 color = "Political Party",或 (b) 将 name = "Political Party" 放入您的scale_color_manual()呼唤。

同样,将D改为Democrat,将R改为Republican,有两个不错的选择。一种是更改实际数据中的值,另一种是在 scale_color_manual 中设置标签,如下所示:

  values = c('#0015BC','#DE0100'),
  breaks = c("D", "R"),
  labels = c("Democrat", "Republican")