使用多线程模块将 API 数据检索到数据框中

Retrieve API data into dataframe using multi threading module

我正在使用第三方 API 从大量天数中为不同的标签检索 10 分钟的数据。当前的数据提取可能需要几分钟,具体取决于天数和标签数量。因此,我正在尝试多线程,我知道这对繁重的 IO 操作很有用。

API 调用如下(我已经替换了实际的 API 名称):

import numpy as N 
import requests as r 
import json 
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime 
import concurrent.futures

class pyGeneric: 
    def __init__(self, serverName, apiKey, rootApiUrl='/Generic.Services/api'): 
        Initialize a connection to server, and return a pyGeneric server object 
        self.baseUrl = serverName + rootApiUrl 
        self.apiKey = apiKey 
        self.bearer = 'Bearer ' + apiKey 
        self.header = {'mediaType':'application/json','Authorization':self.bearer} 
    def getRawMeasurementsJson(self, tag, start, end):
        apiQuery = '/measurements/' + tag + '/from/' + start + '/to/' + end + '?format=json' 
        dataresponse = r.get(self.baseUrl+apiQuery, headers=self.header) 
        data = json.loads(dataresponse.text) 
        return data 
    def getAggregatesPandas(self, tags, start, end):
        Return tag(s) in a pandas dataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame()
        if type(tags) == str:
            tags = [tags]
        for tag in tags:
            tempJson =  self.getRawMeasurementsJson(tag, start, end)
            tempDf = pd.DataFrame(tempJson['timeSeriesList'][0]['timeSeries'])
            name = tempJson['timeSeriesList'][0]['measurementName']
            df['TimeUtc'] = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i/1000) for i in tempDf['t']]
            df['TimeUtc'] = df['TimeUtc'].dt.round('min')
            df[name] = tempDf['v']
        return df

gener = pyGeneric('https://api.generic.com', 'auth_keymlkj9789878686')

对 API 的调用示例如下: gener_df = gener.getAggregatesPandas('tag1.10m.SQL', '*-10d', '*')


tags = ['tag1.10m.SQL',

startdate = "*-150d"
enddate = '*'

final_df = pd.DataFrame

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    args = ((i,startdate, enddate) for i in tags)
    executor.map(lambda p: gener.getAggregatesPandas(*p), args)

但是我无法检查 gener.getAggregatesPandas 是否被正确执行。最终我想在一个名为 final_df 的数据框中获得结果,但也不确定如何进行。我在这篇 中读到,在上下文管理器中附加会导致数据帧的二次副本,因此最终会减慢速度。


# it's just a wrapper around concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor with a nice tqdm progress bar!
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_map, process_map # for multi-threading, multi-processing respectively)

def chunk_list(lst, size):
    From SO only; 
    Yield successive n-sized chunks from list.
    for i in range(0, len(lst), size):
        yield lst[i:i + size]

for idx, my_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(huge_list, size=2**12)):
    for response in thread_map(<which_func_to_call>, my_chunk, max_workers=your_cpu_cores+6)):
        # which_func_to_call -> wrap the returned response json obj in this, etc
        # do something with the response now..
        # make sure to cache the chunk results as well

编辑 1:

from functools import partial
startdate = "*-150d"
enddate = '*'
my_new_func = partial(which_func_to_call, startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate)

现在我们可以改用这个功能了; 注意 -> my_new_func 现在接受一个参数..

编辑 2:

对于缓存,我建议使用 csv 模块并将您想要的响应写入 csv 文件,而不是使用 pandas 等;或者您可以根据需要转储 JSON 响应等; JSON/dict 类响应的示例代码如下所示,

import csv
import os

with open(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "a+", newline="") as csvfile:
    # fieldnames = [your_headers_list]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    # Make sure you write the header only once as we are opening the file in append mode (writer.writeheader())
    for idx, my_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(<huge_list>, size=CHUNK_SIZE)):
            for response in thread_map(
                <my_partial_wrapped_func>, my_chunk, max_workers=min(32, os.cpu_count() + 6)
            # .......
            # .......

据我正确理解,您需要了解 getAggregatesPandas 是否正确执行。


with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    args = ((i,startdate, enddate) for i in tags)
    results = executor.map(lambda p: gener.getAggregatesPandas(*p), args)
    for result in results:
    #another approach is below
    #for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
    #     final_df.append(result,ignore_index=False)
