如何使用 Flask 设置 Pusher 服务器?

How can I set up a Pusher server with Flask?

我正在尝试设置一个简单的 flask 服务器:

import envkey
import pysher
from flask import Flask
# from predictor import PythonPredictor
app = Flask(__name__)

pusher = pysher.Pusher(envkey.get('PUSHER_KEY'))

def my_func(*args, **kwargs):
    print("processing Args:", args)
    print("processing Kwargs:", kwargs)

# We can't subscribe until we've connected, so we use a callback handler
# to subscribe when able

def connect_handler(data):
    print('connect habndler')
    channel = pusher.subscribe('mychannel')
    channel.bind('myevent', my_func)

pusher.connection.bind('pusher:connection_established', connect_handler)

def index():


    return 'Server Works!'


RuntimeError: cannot join current thread


在初始化期间指定我的 Pusher 集群帮助我摆脱了这个问题:

pusher = pysher.Pusher(
    key=envkey.get('PUSHER_KEY'),  # Or however you get the key
    cluster="eu",  # Add cluster!