仅当环境变量具有特定值时如何设置 Apache header

How to set Apache header only if environment variable has a certain value

我想在我的 Apache (2.4) 配置中设置 header,但前提是环境变量具有特定值。

SetEnv ENV_NAME prod

如果 ENV_NAME 不是 prod,我如何只设置此 header?

Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow"
Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow" "expr=env('ENV_NAME') != 'prod'"


The Header directive may be followed by an additional argument, which may be any of:


expr=expression The directive is applied if and only if expression evaluates to true. Details of expression syntax and evaluation are documented in the ap_expr documentation.