根据像素值裁剪 rgb 图像
to crop the rgb image based on the pixel value
我有一张 rgb 图像,我想从各个方面裁剪它。我已经在灰度图像上尝试了下面的代码,它可以工作,但对于 RGB 图像却没有。
import cv2
import numpy as np
import glob,os
from PIL import Image
inputdir = "/Users/sripdeep/Desktop/Projects/3 Norm_Sub_Norm/rgb/"
outpath = "/Users/sripdeep/Desktop/Projects/3 Norm_Sub_Norm/rgb_norm/"
#filesname = sorted(glob.glob( inputdir + "*.jpg"))
for img1 in sorted(glob.glob( inputdir + "*.jpeg")):
img_path = img1.split('/')[-1]
imgstr = img_path.split('.')[0]
im1 = cv2.imread(img1,0)
thresh = cv2.threshold(im1, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(im1) # calculates nonzero pixels
# print(x,y,w,h)
# a tuple (x, y, w, h) with (x, y) the upper left point
# as well as width w and height h of the bounding rectangle.
left = (x, np.argmax(thresh[:, x])) #
right = (x+w-1, np.argmax(thresh[:, x+w-1])) #
top = (np.argmax(thresh[y, :]), y) #
bottom = (np.argmax(thresh[y+h-1, :]), y+h-1)
print('left: {}'.format(left))
print('right: {}'.format(right))
print('top: {}'.format(top))
print('bottom: {}'.format(bottom))
# cropped__img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
cropped__img = thresh[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0]]
cropped__img = cv2.resize(cropped__img, (256,256), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
save_fname = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.basename(imgstr)+'.jpg')
cv2.imwrite(save_fname, cropped__img)
只能应用于单通道图像。因此,似乎最简单的方法是首先读取彩色图像,然后将其转换为灰度图像以计算出边界矩形 (x,h,w,h) 坐标 (x1, y1, x2, y2),然后对图像进行裁剪原始彩色图像。
im1 = cv2.imread(img1,0) # color image
im1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # grayscale
thresh = cv2.threshold(im1_gray, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # threshold image
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(thresh) # find the bounding rectangle of nonzero points in the image
cropped__img = im1[y:y+h, x:x+w,:] # crop the original color image
这个非常简单。 Python 中 OpenCV 中的彩色图像是一个 3 维 NumPy 数组(x,y,颜色)。一张灰度图是一个二维数组(x, y)。
在这一行中,您通过限制 x 和 y 维度来裁剪灰度 (2D) 图像:
cropped__img = thresh[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0]]
有关 Python 中切片表示法的更多信息,请参阅 this answer。要裁剪彩色图像,您需要告诉 Python 通过简单地使用 :
抓取三维空间中的 所有内容
# v
cropped__img = img[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0], :]
我有一张 rgb 图像,我想从各个方面裁剪它。我已经在灰度图像上尝试了下面的代码,它可以工作,但对于 RGB 图像却没有。 我的代码是:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import glob,os
from PIL import Image
inputdir = "/Users/sripdeep/Desktop/Projects/3 Norm_Sub_Norm/rgb/"
outpath = "/Users/sripdeep/Desktop/Projects/3 Norm_Sub_Norm/rgb_norm/"
#filesname = sorted(glob.glob( inputdir + "*.jpg"))
for img1 in sorted(glob.glob( inputdir + "*.jpeg")):
img_path = img1.split('/')[-1]
imgstr = img_path.split('.')[0]
im1 = cv2.imread(img1,0)
thresh = cv2.threshold(im1, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(im1) # calculates nonzero pixels
# print(x,y,w,h)
# a tuple (x, y, w, h) with (x, y) the upper left point
# as well as width w and height h of the bounding rectangle.
left = (x, np.argmax(thresh[:, x])) #
right = (x+w-1, np.argmax(thresh[:, x+w-1])) #
top = (np.argmax(thresh[y, :]), y) #
bottom = (np.argmax(thresh[y+h-1, :]), y+h-1)
print('left: {}'.format(left))
print('right: {}'.format(right))
print('top: {}'.format(top))
print('bottom: {}'.format(bottom))
# cropped__img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
cropped__img = thresh[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0]]
cropped__img = cv2.resize(cropped__img, (256,256), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
save_fname = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.basename(imgstr)+'.jpg')
cv2.imwrite(save_fname, cropped__img)
只能应用于单通道图像。因此,似乎最简单的方法是首先读取彩色图像,然后将其转换为灰度图像以计算出边界矩形 (x,h,w,h) 坐标 (x1, y1, x2, y2),然后对图像进行裁剪原始彩色图像。
im1 = cv2.imread(img1,0) # color image
im1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # grayscale
thresh = cv2.threshold(im1_gray, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # threshold image
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(thresh) # find the bounding rectangle of nonzero points in the image
cropped__img = im1[y:y+h, x:x+w,:] # crop the original color image
这个非常简单。 Python 中 OpenCV 中的彩色图像是一个 3 维 NumPy 数组(x,y,颜色)。一张灰度图是一个二维数组(x, y)。
在这一行中,您通过限制 x 和 y 维度来裁剪灰度 (2D) 图像:
cropped__img = thresh[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0]]
有关 Python 中切片表示法的更多信息,请参阅 this answer。要裁剪彩色图像,您需要告诉 Python 通过简单地使用 :
# v
cropped__img = img[top[1]:bottom[1], left[0]:right[0], :]