如何将 Bootstrap 3 降级为 2

How to downgrade Bootstrap 3 to 2

我正在使用 Bootstrap 3.3.2,但它不能 运行 在 IE7,8 上正常运行,所以我需要将它降级到版本 2。我该怎么做?


好吧,去下载版本 2 的必要文件(使用 http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/ is likely going to be quite helpful) and set your site up to use those in place of the 3.x assets. This is a major-version change, so there's going to be breaking functionality all over the place. Things changed a lot from 2.x to 3.x, so you're going to have to make a lot of syntactic changes in your code to match the 2.x docs. There isn't a "downgrading" guide published, but the log at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases 可能对你有帮助。

根据 Techrepublic 的这篇文章,这似乎是不可能的:http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/software-engineer/bootstrap-3-says-mobile-first-everything-else-later/


The reason the latest version is not backward compatible is a number of class changes. The most notable changes include the removal of the fluid classes (.container-fluid and .row-fluid) that were used to build responsive interfaces. With Bootstrap 3.0.0, sites are responsive by default, but there is an option to disable that feature. Gone are the days of pixel width pages -- say hello to percentage-based layouts going forward. Other changes that caused problems include the removal of search form controls (.form-actions and .form-search) and the .navbar-inner class.

There are too many class changes to cover here, but the online documentation provides all the necessary details as well as 3.0.0 equivalent features (where available). In addition, the official Bootstrap blog post announcing the new version contains useful information.