使用 spacy 从文档中删除复合词命名实体

Removing compound worded named entities from a document using spacy

如果一些命名实体是复合词,如何使用 spaCy 从文本中删除命名实体?

我知道 的问题 我相信这不是那个问题的重复,因为如果命名实体是复合词,那么那里发布的接受的答案将会失败。 下面显示了链接问题的已接受答案为何失败的示例代码。

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

text_data = 'This is a text document that speaks about entities like New York and Nokia'

document = nlp(text_data)

text_no_namedentities = []

ents = [e.text for e in document.ents]
for item in document:
    if item.text in ents:
print(" ".join(text_no_namedentities))


This is a text document that speaks about entities like New York and'

从文本中删除命名实体(包括复合词实体)的最佳方法是什么? 谢谢


如果令牌是命名实体的一部分,则其 token.ent_type_ 属性将属于该实体类型,即使它是复合命名实体的一部分。您可以使用以下代码实现您正在寻找的内容,如下所示:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

text_data = 'This is a text document that speaks about entities like New York and Nokia. My name is John Smith'

doc = nlp(text_data)

# You can add other Named Entities types that you would want to remove to the list
text_without_ne = [token.text for token in doc if token.ent_type_ not in ['GPE', 'PERSON']]

print(" ".join(text_without_ne))


This is a text document that speaks about entities like and . My name is