
How to pass the instance itself to an external map at the moment of its creation?

我有一个 class 对象和一个 typedef:

class Object
    long int id;
    ~Object(void) {};
    long int get_id(void);

typedef map<long int, Object> obj_map;

然后我有这个 class 应用程序,它有一个 obj_map 和 object_counter:

class App
    static ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display;
    static ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue;
    static ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer;
    static ALLEGRO_EVENT e;
    static bool running;
    static bool redraw;
    static key_map key_states;
    static obj_map objects; // << Here.
    static long int object_counter; // << Here.
    const char *window_title;
    int screen_width;
    int screen_height;
    float FPS;
    act event_scenes;
    act visual_scenes;
    ALLEGRO_COLOR background_color;

    static ALLEGRO_EVENT event();
    static ALLEGRO_EVENT_TYPE event_type();
    static void shut_down();

    App(int screen_width, int screen_height, const char *window_title = "Joy++ Application", float FPS = 30);
    ~App() {};

    int init_all();
    void register_all();
    void check_key_states();
    void init_key_states();
    void run();
    void destroy_all();
    void add_event_scene(Scene scene);
    void add_visual_scene(Scene scene);
    void remove_event_scene(Scene scene);
    void remove_visual_scene(Scene scene);

    long int get_object_count();
    unsigned int get_random_int(unsigned int min, unsigned int max);
    void set_key_state(int al_key, string key_name, bool state);
    void set_background_color(int r, int g, int b);

如您所见,我们的想法是将应用程序中的每个对象都存储在地图中的 id 下。但是,我希望在创建每个对象的那一刻发生。所以这是构造函数定义:

    App::object_counter += 1;
    this->id = App::object_counter;
    App::objects[this->id] = this; // Problem.


G:\Development\Game-Development\CB\Joy-Plus-Plus\app.cpp|26|error: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'std::map<long int, Object>::mapped_type {aka Object}' and 'Object* const')|


因为这是一个指针类型 --> 试试 *this


如果您的对象具有值语义,则只需分配 *this(对象)而不是 this

另一方面,如果身份很重要,那么构建一个到 Object * 的映射(或者,更好的 std::shared_ptr),然后分配将按原样工作