密码作为 sshpass 命令的输入

password as a input with sshpass command

我写了一个 bash 脚本供我的办公室使用,使用 sshpassssh 命令从设备中获取一些信息。正如我们所知,sshpass 允许使用 -p 选项在命令行上传递密码,这使得密码可见,因此我想要一个需要在屏幕本身上作为用户输入提示的密码。


# timestamp to be attached to the log file
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# logfile to collect all the Firmware Version of C7000 components

for host in $(cat enc_list);
        echo "========= $host =========";
        sshpass -p  my_password timeout -t 20 ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $host  -l tscad  show firmware summary ;
done | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"

你为什么首先使用 sshpass,因为它是一个唯一目的是规避 ssh 的默认行为的实用程序,这似乎是你想要实现的?

来自man page

sshpass is a utility designed for running ssh using the mode referred to as "keyboard-interactive" password authentication, but in non-interactive mode.


Sshpass runs ssh in a dedicated tty, fooling it into thinking it is getting the password from an interactive user.


read -r -s -p "Password:" SSHPASS
export SSHPASS
sshpass -e timeout ... ssh ...

来自man sshpass

-e: The password is taken from the environment variable "SSHPASS".


# OA_FirmwareCheck.sh
# timestamp to be attached to the log file
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# logfile to collect all the Firmware Version of C7000 components

# read is a builtin command of the Bash shell. It reads a line of text from standard input.
# -r option used for the "raw input", -s option used for Print the string prompt,
# while option -s tells do not echo keystrokes when read is taking input from the terminal.
# So, altogether it reads password interactively and save it to the environment
read -rsp $'Please Enter password:\n' SSHPASS
export SSHPASS

for host in $(cat enc_list);
        echo "========= $host =========";
        sshpass -e timeout -t 20 ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $host  -l tscad  show firmware summary ;
done |  tee -a "${LOGFILE}"

# at last clear the exported variable containing the password


$ ./OA_FirmwareCheck.sh
Please Enter password below:

Built: 04/06/2018 @ 06:14
OA Bay Number:  1