如何在 Flutter 中以编程方式更改 Rive/Flare 中渐变填充的 start/end 位置?

How do I change the start/end locations of gradient fills in Rive/Flare programatically in Flutter?


我想在运行时修改 Flutter 中的渐变填充(例如,让它看起来像是光相对于球四处移动)。我能够找到这样的坐标:

final fill = (artboard.getNode("Ellipse") as FlutterActorShape).fill as FlutterRadialFill;

但是,我找不到修改这些值的方法。我尝试使用 Vec2D 来覆盖这些值,但是它不会改变渲染(可能是因为根据这些值计算出的东西需要失效?):

              200 - _component.x, 200 - _component.y));

对于这个 属性 没有很好的帮助 setter(关键帧操纵它并使内部状态无效),但是有一点额外的冗长(我们真的应该让它更友好) 代码你可以做到:

class MutateGradient extends FlareController {
  // Store the fill so you don't need to look it up each frame.
  FlutterRadialFill _radialFill;

  // I chose to drive the end position of the gradient with a sin wave so i use
  // a field to accumulate the phase.
  double _phase = 0;

  bool advance(FlutterActorArtboard artboard, double elapsed) {
    if (_radialFill == null) {
      // Didn't find the fill during init, early out with a false meaning we're
      // done.
      return false;

    _phase += elapsed;

    // No nice setter on the end so we have to set the values manually and then
    // mark the paint dirty so the update loop updates the actual paint and
    // points used to render. Note that the position here can be either in the
    // path's local transform or world (artboard) transform depending on whether
    // transformAffectsStroke was selected in Rive.
        _radialFill.end, Vec2D.fromValues(-100, 100 + sin(_phase*2) * 50));

    // Return true to get another call the next frame...
    return true;

  void initialize(FlutterActorArtboard artboard) {
    // Find the fill we want to manipulate.
    var node = artboard.getNode("Ellipse");
    if (node is FlutterActorShape) {
      var fill = node.fill;
      if (fill is FlutterRadialFill) {
        _radialFill = fill;

  void setViewTransform(Mat2D viewTransform) {
    // Inentionally empty, we don't need to convert from artboard (world) to
    // view space in this example.

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