Swift 动态 json 读写值

Swift Dynamic json Values Reading and Writing


我正在尝试能够将我的 json 文件数据读出到控制台日志以进行测试,以便我以后可以使用它。

由于不同的数据大小和可能的错误 json 格式,我不确定如何完成我的其他结构。

完成后,我相信我需要使用 for 循环从“M”、“S”和“WP”读取不同大小的数据(我认为这部分不应该很复杂)



("M", "S") 的数据量可以是任意数量的字符串数组数据对象

“WP”中的数据可能需要不同的格式我想添加一个名称(“abc”)和一个包含任意数量数据点的 Int 数组


Swift 抓取数据的代码

import Foundation

struct UserDay: Codable {
    let mp: UserMP
    let wp: UserWP

struct UserMP: Codable {
    let m: [UserM]
    let s: [UserS]

struct UserM : Codable {
    let title: String
    let description: String
    let time: String
struct UserS : Codable {
    let title: String
    let description: String
    let time: String

struct UserWP: Codable {
    let wp: [WPData]

struct WPData: Codable {
    let title: String
    let values: [Int]

class LogDataHandler {
    public func grabJSONInfo(){
        guard let jsonURL = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).path(forResource: "LogData", ofType: "json") else { return }
        guard let jsonString = try? String(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: jsonURL), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return }
        // Print Info for TESTING
        var year: UserDay?
        do {
            year = try JSONDecoder().decode(UserDay.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
        } catch {
            print("ERROR WHEN DECODING JSON")
        guard let results = year else {
            print("YEAR IS NIL")

JSON 下面的示例数据

    "01/01/2020": {
        "MP" : {
            "M" : [
                {"title" : "m1", "description" : "1", "time" : "12:30pm"},
                {"title" : "m2", "description" : "2", "time" : "1:30pm"},
                {"title" : "m3", "description" : "3", "time" : "2:30pm"}
            "S" : [
                {"title" : "s1", "description" : "1", "time" : "1pm"}
        "WP" : [
            { "title" : "abc", "values" :  [12, 10, 6]},
            { "title" : "def", "values" :  [8]}
    "01/29/2020": {
        "MP" : {
            "M" : [{"title" : "m1", "description" : "1", "time" : "12:30pm"}],
            "S" : [{"title" : "s1", "description" : "1", "time" : "12:30pm"}]
        "WP" :[{ "title" : "def", "values" :  [8]}]

根据评论和我们的聊天,这似乎是构建 Swift 模型和 JSON 对象的正确方法的问题。

根据您的(更新的)JSON,您可能希望将数据解码为 [String: UserDay] - 一个以日期字符串为键、以 UserDay 为值的字典。

First, WP 属性 在你的 JSON 中只是一个对象数组(映射到 WPData) , 所以最好将 UserDay.wp 改为 [WPData] 而不是 UserWP:

struct UserDay: Codable {
    let mp: UserMP
    let wp: [WPData] // <-- changed

其次,您的某些模型属性与 JSON 中的内容不直接匹配,因为键-属性映射区分大小写。您可以显式定义 CodingKeys 来映射它们:

struct UserDay: Codable {
    let mp: UserMP
    let wp: [WPData]

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case mp = "MP", wp = "WP"

struct UserMP: Codable {
    let m: [UserM]
    let s: [UserS]

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case m = "M", s = "S"

现在您已准备好解码 [String: UserDay]:

let userDays = try JSONDecoder().decoder([String: UserDay].self, from: jsonData)

let userDay = userDays["01/29/2020"]

当然,使用 String 而不是 Date 不是很方便。不幸的是,DictionaryCodable 的一致性仅支持 IntString 作为键(AFAIK)。

所以,让我们手动解码成一个新的根对象 UserData,它适用于 Dates:

struct UserData: Codable {
   var userDays: [Date: UserDay]

   init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
       let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
       let dict = try container.decode([String: UserDay].self)

       let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
       dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
       dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")

       // decode (String, UserDay) pairs into an array of (Date, UserDay)
       let pairs = dict.compactMap { (key, value) -> (Date, UserDay)? in
           guard let date = dateFormatter.date(from: key) else { return nil }
           return (date, value)

       // uniquing is used just in case there non unique keys
       self.userDays = Dictionary(pairs, uniquingKeysWith: {(first, _) in first})

现在,我们可以解码成这个 UserData 对象:

let userData = try JSONDecoder().decode(UserData.self, from: jsonData)

let todaysData = userData.userDays[Date()]