Android 使用内部库接口回调将同步请求转换为异步

Android convert Synchronous request to asynchronous using internal library Interface Callback

我在我的应用程序中使用 .aar 库。 它有一个网络委托接口,我需要覆盖它。

ApiResponse executeApiCall(String url, HTTPMethod method, String params)

我正在使用 Retrofit 进行网络调用。我需要将同步调用转换为异步使用。

public ApiResponse executeApiCall(String url, HTTPMethod method, String params) {
    ApiResponse apiResponse;

    try {
        // Synchronous Call
        Call<String> call = RestClient.get().getStringResponse(url, method, params);
        Response<String> response = call.execute();
        apiResponse = new ApiResponse(response.code(), response.body());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        apiResponse = new ApiResponse();

    return apiResponse;


public ApiResponse executeApiCall(String url, HTTPMethod method, String params) {
    ApiResponse apiResponse;

    // Asynchronous Call
    Call<String> call = RestClient.get().getStringResponse(url, method, params);
    call.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
        public void onResponse(@NotNull Call<String> call, @NotNull Response<String> response) {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                apiResponse = new ApiResponse(response.code(), response.body());

        public void onFailure(@NotNull Call<String> call, @NotNull Throwable t) {
            apiResponse = new ApiResponse();

    return apiResponse;





public abstract class AsyncRunnable<T> {
    protected abstract void run(AtomicReference<T> notifier);

    protected final void finish(AtomicReference<T> notifier, T result) {
        synchronized (notifier) {

    public static <T> T wait(AsyncRunnable<T> runnable) {
        final AtomicReference<T> notifier = new AtomicReference<>();

        // run the asynchronous code;

        // wait for the asynchronous code to finish
        synchronized (notifier) {
            while (notifier.get() == null) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {}

        // return the result of the asynchronous code
        return notifier.get();


  ApiResponse result = AsyncRunnable.wait(new AsyncRunnable<ApiResponse>() {
        public void run(final AtomicReference<String> notifier) {
            // here goes your async code, e.g.:
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                     Call<String> call = 
                     RestClient.get().getStringResponse(url, method, params);
                     call.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
                        public void onResponse(@NotNull Call<String> call, 
                         Response<String> response) {
                             if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                                 apiResponse = new 
                                 finish(notifier, apiResponse);

    public void onFailure(@NotNull Call<String> call, @NotNull Throwable t) {
         apiResponse = new ApiResponse();
         finish(notifier, apiResponse);


我们等待来自回调的响应并通知 AsyncRunnable class。

我觉得你,我遇到了一个类似的问题,一个库需要在 UI 线程上做繁重的工作(非 UI)。是的,听起来像是精神病患者的 lib。协程 runBlocking 是你的朋友。我知道您要求的是 rx-java 解决方案,但无法在这方面击败协程。

 * You can edit, run, and share this code. 
    import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking

fun main() {
    val apiResponse = executeApiCall()    
    println(apiResponse) // prints "response"
    println("goodbye, world!!!")

 * Synchronous function that waits for coroutine to finish
fun executeApiCall():String {
    return runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO){

 * Method that invokes Retrofit call in the background.
suspend fun retrofitCall():String{
//  RestClient.get() ...
    return "response"

请注意,如果您从 UI 线程调用 executeApiCall,您仍然会阻塞 UI 线程。因此,如果您在 activity 或片段(gradle 依赖项 androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.1.0)内,则可能需要 lifecycleScope.launch{executeApiCall() } 之类的东西,否则可能需要 CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { executeApiCall() }