为什么 `React.renderToNodeStream` 不屈服于事件循环?

Why does `React.renderToNodeStream` not yield to the event loop?

我试图让 React 的 renderToStringrenderToStaticMarkup 成为更好的公民,方法是屈服于允许其他服务器请求查看的事件循环,例如

const React = require('react');
const { renderToNodeStream } = require('react-dom/server');

// Wrap `renderToNodeStream` in promise
const renderToStringAsync = node => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let body = '';
    const stream = renderToNodeStream(node);
    // NOTE: we're turning the tap on full blast here, but I still expected it to yield
    stream.on('data', chunk => {
      console.log('Received chunk');
      body += chunk.toString();
    stream.on('error', ex => {
    stream.on('end', () => {

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('Yielded to event loop');
}, 0)
await renderToStringAsync(largeRootNode);


// Expect:
// Received chunk
// Yielded to event loop
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk


// Actual:
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Received chunk
// Yielded to event loop


NOTE: I'm not piping the response to the client as I need to wait for the render to complete before determining the status code; I merely want to use renderToNodeStream to improve cooperative multitasking in node.js)

Promise 执行器同步执行 so is ReactDOMNodeStreamRenderer. The _read method of ReactDOMNodeStreamRender has no asynchronous components and will be called synchronously as per the method contract in Node.

