ERROR: DexGuard Gradle plugin: Android Gradle plugin version is not supported. (4.0.0), supported versions include [2.3.0:3.6.*]

ERROR: DexGuard Gradle plugin: Android Gradle plugin version is not supported. (4.0.0), supported versions include [2.3.0:3.6.*]

我正在使用 android studio 4.0,我的 Gradle 版本是 4.0.0。如何将 dexguard 8.7 版添加到我的项目中?

来自最新的 dexguard 版本:

The DexGuard Gradle plugin is compatible with the Android Gradle plugin versions [2.3.x, 3.6.x].

回滚到 3.6.x 它应该可以工作。是的,那很糟糕:/