Api 蓝图和长期 运行 工作

Api Blueprint and long running jobs

我想用 long running jobs with Blueprint 正确设计我的 json API。 我需要处理文件,return 一个 202 Accepted 和一个 header 的位置,然后设计将接收 303 See Other 的临时位置,然后是最终的 object 201 Created



# Stars [/stars]

Collection of stars.

## Create [POST]
+ Request (application/json)

    Create a star

    + Body

            {"name": "Death Star"}

+ Response 202

    Request has been accepted into the queue. Poll the queue item to check the result. 

    + Headers

            Location: /queue/12345

# Queue Item [/queue/{id}]

One item in a job queue.

+ Parameters
    + id: 12345 (number) - Id of the queue

## Query Status [GET]
+ Response 200 (aplication/xml)

    The job is still in progress.

    + Body

                <eta>2 mins.</eta>
                <link rel="cancel" method="delete" href="/queue/12345" />

+ Response 303

    The job has finished. See the created resource.

    + Headers

            Location: /stars/97865