使用 C# Queue<MethodInvoker> 的队列文件复制操作

Queue File Copy Operation using C# Queue<MethodInvoker>

我正在尝试创建文件复制应用程序。我有一个 BackgroudWorker 来做这项工作,到目前为止它工作正常。它是如何工作的,我有一个表单、源文件夹和目标文件夹字段以及一个复制按钮。 Copy 按钮使用 BackgroundWorker 触发 Copy 操作。 Progressbar 得到更新等。现在我需要实现一个队列类型的操作。我需要添加其他源和目标复制操作并将其添加到队列中。我尝试使用以下内容:

Queue<MethodInvoker> MyQueue = new Queue<MethodInvoker>();

        MyQueue.Enqueue(new MethodInvoker(() =>CopyStuff(1)));
        MyQueue.Enqueue(new MethodInvoker(() =>CopyStuff(2)));

        MethodInvoker bb = MyQueue.Dequeue(); //(I Forgot this part)
        bb = MyQueue.Dequeue();


问题是,因为它是一个 BackgroundWorker,所以它不会等待第一个操作完成。关于如何解决这个问题有什么建议吗? 修复我的代码后它可以工作,除了 运行 在 UI 线程上,锁定控件。

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这有效,但在主线程上运行,用户无法在它处于 运行:

        BlockingCollection<MethodInvoker> bCollection = new BlockingCollection<MethodInvoker>(boundedCapacity: 2);
        Task producerThread = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)



        foreach (MethodInvoker item in bCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable())

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适用于控制台应用程序,但不适用于 Windows 表单应用程序。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AsyncCopy
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        public class AsyncCopy
            private static Queue<Action> MyQueue = new Queue<Action>();

            public async Task EnqueueAndCopy(Action[] actionList)
                foreach (var action in actionList)
                while (MyQueue.TryDequeue(out var copyAction)) //Here's the problem on Windows Form Applivcation
                    //If the copyaction is itself async, await directly on the method here instead of running the action in a Task
                    await Task.Factory.StartNew(copyAction);

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var asyncCopy = new AsyncCopy();
            //In a typical usage, this will call be awaited
            //In your case, make this call from a async method and call it from the UI thread
                new Action[] {
                () => CopyStuff (1),
                () => CopyStuff (2)

            //Loop to confirm the processing is asynchronous
            for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
        //Copy process simulation
        static void CopyStuff(int i)
            Console.WriteLine($"Copying {i}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Copied {i}");

如果您需要在其他副本正在处理时将复制过程异步排队,我建议使用生产者消费者模式。参考 https://www.dotnetcurry.com/patterns-practices/1407/producer-consumer-pattern-dotnet-csharp


   using System;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Threading.Tasks;
   using System.Threading;

   namespace Whosebug {
   class Program {

    static void Main (string[] args) {
        var asyncCopy = new AsyncCopy ();
        //In a typical usage, this will call be awaited
        //In your case, make this call from a async method and call it from the UI thread
        asyncCopy.EnqueueAndCopy (
            new Action[] {
                () => CopyStuff (1),
                () => CopyStuff (2)

        //Loop to confirm the processing is asynchronous
        for(int i=0; i <= 20; i++)
    //Copy process simulation
    static void CopyStuff (int i) {
        Console.WriteLine ($"Copying {i}");
        Console.WriteLine ($"Copied {i}");


public class AsyncCopy {
    private static Queue<Action> MyQueue = new Queue<Action> ();

    public async Task EnqueueAndCopy (Action[] actionList) {
        foreach (var action in actionList) {
            MyQueue.Enqueue (action);
        while (MyQueue.TryDequeue (out var copyAction)) {
            //If the copyaction is itself async, await directly on the method here instead of running the action in a Task
            await Task.Factory.StartNew (copyAction);


  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Threading;
  using System.Threading.Tasks;
  using System.Windows.Forms;

  namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
   public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private async Task CopyAsync(IEnumerable<Action> actionList)
        foreach (var action in actionList)
            await Task.Factory.StartNew(action);

    private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await CopyAsync(
            new Action[]
                () => CopyStuff(1),
                () => CopyStuff(2)

    //Copy process simulation
    static void CopyStuff(int i)
        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("File Copied {0}", i));