pythonic 方法来计算列表/集合中的单词在数据框列中出现的次数

pythonic way to count the number of times words from a list / set occur in a dataframe column


labels = {'rectangle', 'square', 'triangle', 'cube'}

和一个数据框 df,

df = pd.DataFrame(['rectangle rectangle in my square cube', 'triangle circle not here', 'nothing here'], columns=['text'])

我想知道我的标签集中的每个单词在数据框的文本列中出现了多少次,并创建一个新列,其中包含前 X 个(可能是 2 或 3 个)重复次数最多的单词。如果 2 个单词的重复次数相同,那么它们可以出现在列表或字符串中


pd.DataFrame({'text' : ['rectangle rectangle in my square cube', 'triangle circle not here', 'nothing here'], 'best_labels' : [{'rectangle' : 2, 'square' : 1, 'cube' : 1}, {'triangle' : 1, 'circle' : 1}, np.nan]})                                                                                                                          
df['best_labels'] = some_function(df.text) 
from collections import Counter

labels = {'rectangle', 'square', 'triangle', 'cube'}    
df = pd.DataFrame(['rectangle rectangle in my square cube', 'triangle circle not here', 'nothing here'], columns=['text'])
df['best_labels'] = df.text.apply(lambda x: {k: v for k, v in Counter(x.split()).items() if k in labels} or np.nan)    


                                    text                               best_labels
0  rectangle rectangle in my square cube  {'rectangle': 2, 'square': 1, 'cube': 1}
1               triangle circle not here                           {'triangle': 1}
2                           nothing here                                       NaN


           .rename_axis(None, axis=1))

   cube  rectangle  square  triangle
0   1.0        2.0     1.0       NaN
1   NaN        NaN     NaN       1.0
2   NaN        NaN     NaN       NaN

想法是从 labels 中指定的行中提取文本,然后找出它们在每个句子中出现的次数。
