Pandas Dataframe 获取列中的趋势

Pandas Dataframe get trend in column


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'day':[3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6],
                   'item': [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4],
   day item price
0   3   1   6
1   4   1   12
2   4   2   13
3   4   2   9
4   5   1   10
5   5   2   12
6   5   3   6
7   5   3   16
8   5   4   1
9   6   3   17
10  6   4   2

groupby代码gb = df1.groupby(['day','item'])['price'].mean()后,我得到:


     day  item
3    1        6
4    1       12
     2       11
5    1       10
     2       12
     3       11
     4        1
6    3       17
     4        2
Name: price, dtype: int64

我想从 groupby 系列中获取趋势替换回数据框列价格。价格是商品价格相对于前一天价格的变化

  day item  price
0   3   1   nan
1   4   1   6
2   4   2   nan
3   4   2   nan
4   5   1   -2
5   5   2   1
6   5   3   nan
7   5   3   nan
8   5   4   nan
9   6   3   6
10  6   4   1

请帮我编码最后一步。 single/double 行代码将是最有帮助的。由于实际数据框很大,我想避免迭代。


    #get the average values
    #rename columns 
    #sort by day an item in ascending
    #shift the price for each item and each day 
    mean_df['shifted_average_price'] = mean_df.groupby(['item'])['average_price'].shift(1)
    #combine with original df 
    #replace the price by difference of previous day's 
    #drop unwanted columns
    df1.drop(['average_price', 'shifted_average_price'], axis=1, inplace=True)