用 least_squares() 拟合一组具有不同模型的 sigmoids?

fitting a group of sigmoids with different models with least_squares()?

对于在不同时间点测量的一系列实验,我尝试使用信息标准(如 Akaike IC)比较所有实验的固定参数拟合与每个实验具有一组单独参数的拟合. scipy.optimize.least_squares 可以吗?

假设测量值大致遵循 S 形曲线,参数为 base(步前水平),height(步后水平增加),stretch(持续时间步骤)和t50(级别为base + height/2的时间)。我在下面的代码中对这些进行建模,其中 returns 大小 [t, c] numpy ndarray measurements 具有 t 时间点(实验)和每个时间点的 c 值:

import numpy as np;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;

# lifted, scaled, stretched and shifted sigmoid
def lssig ( t, base, height, stretch, t50 ):
return base + height / ( 1 + np.exp ( -1/stretch * ( t - t50 ) ) );

# number of curves per experiment
numcurves = 10;

# number of experiments (time pts)
num_experiments = 20;

# timepoints (with simulated variability in timing)
time_jitter = 2;
tstart  = np.linspace   ( -10, 30, num = num_experiments );
tstart += time_jitter * np.random.rand ( num_experiments );

# measurements + added noise (this is added noise, not the variability in the estimates)
measurements  = np.ndarray       ( shape = ( num_experiments, numcurves ) );
measure_noise = np.random.normal ( 0, .2,  ( num_experiments, numcurves ) );

# Variability of model parameters between curves:   
# par_spreading [0] -> variability in base (start value)
# par_spreading [1] -> variability in height (end - start)
# par_spreading [2] -> variability in stretch (duration of step)
# par_spreading [3] -> variability in t50 (middle of step)
par_spreading = np.ones ( 4 );

# parameters of the model:   
# every curve can have its own parameters, variability between curves 
# is given by the par_spreading value (see above) for that parameter    
height  = 8 * np.ones ( numcurves ) + par_spreading [0] * np.random.rand ( numcurves);
base    = 2 * np.ones ( numcurves ) + par_spreading [1] * np.random.rand ( numcurves);
stretch = 4 * np.ones ( numcurves ) + par_spreading [2] * np.random.rand ( numcurves);
t50     = 9 * np.ones ( numcurves ) + par_spreading [2] * np.random.rand ( numcurves);

# fill the measurement array
for t in range(num_experiments):
    for c in range (numcurves):
        measurements[ t, c ] = lssig ( tstart [t],
                                     base  [c], 
                                     height   [c],
                                     stretch   [c],
                                     t50 [c],
measurements += measure_noise;
# plot curves per subject
plt.plot ( tstart, measurements );
plt.show ();

有一个很不错的page,里面有使用的例子least_squares,其中拟合了1个sigmoid,sigmoid的参数在数组theta中传递。使用该配方,我可以在每个时间点拟合第一个实验的曲线 measurements[:,0]:

from scipy.optimize import least_squares;

# point on the sigmoid, using array theta for parameters
def y ( theta, t ):
    return theta[0] + theta[1] / ( 1 + np.exp ( -1/theta[2] * ( t - theta[3] ) ) );

# objective function for least_squares: difference between noisy data & model
def fun(theta):
    return y(theta, tstart) - measurements[:,0];

# start with values for base, step, stretch and t50
theta0 = [8,2,4,9];
res1   = least_squares(fun, theta0);

# show the parameters & plot the functions
print      ( 'real: {}, estimated: {}'.format ( [ base[0], height[0], stretch[0], t50[0] ],             res1.x ) );
plt.plot   (  tstart, measurements[:,0],  tstart, y(res1.x,tstart) );
plt.legend ( ('noisy', 'lsq' ) );
plt.show   ( );

我在上面的代码中使用 4 个单独参数的原因是 base 可以是单个标量(每个实验的所有曲线都相同)或数组(每条曲线都有一个单独的 base 值)。 least_squares 可以这样使用吗?还是所有的参数都需要放在一维数组中?

可以展平参数数组(如 theta),但这会变得异常混乱,因为在每个实验都有自己的 base 参数的模型中,第二个参数将是base 的一个值,但在所有实验都有一个 base 参数的模型中,数组中的第二个值将是 height 的值,依此类推。

理想情况下,参数仍然是分开的,因此它们的长度可以独立变化。 是否有一种管理上可追溯/美观的方式来做到这一点?

也许您可以通过提供一个最小 可重现示例来大大缩短问题的长度并提高可读性! ;)


为了避免处理“混乱”的参数集,我经常创建两个小函数,例如 param2minimizer 及其相反的 minimizer2param。这些函数负责组织最小化器的所有参数。这样代码就更容易理解了。

例如,假设您要优化任意数量的 [base,height]

def param2minimizer(bases,heights):
    return np.concatenate((bases,heights))

def minimizer2param(m):
    L = len(m)
    if L%2: raise ValueError("Incompatible length")
    bases = m[0:L//2]
    heights = m[L//2:]
    return bases, heights


关于最小化变量维数的问题,你可以看看documentation of least_squares。我认为系统地给出向量 (1D) 而不是矩阵 (2D) 是一个更好的习惯,即使特定的最小化器是 2D 许可的。一些最小化器仅是一维许可的,而且优化算法在理论上通常在一维变量向量上进行数值描述。使用1D更安全,更符合用法