ROS 导航:本地成本图不适用于自定义层

ROS Navigation: Local costmap doesn't work with custom layer

我正在处理 ros-navigation 及其集成的分层成本图。我有一张静态地图,其中需要插入来自占用网格的障碍物。由于障碍层只能处理特定数据(来自激光扫描仪的点云等)并且显然无法处理作为输入的占用网格,我决定编写一个 自定义层,它采用占用网格并使用占用网格中的标记清除功能向主网格添加障碍物and/or自由space .虽然 运行,但 没有异常 抛出。我发现订阅者成功接收到占用网格并进入至少运行到最后的回调。但是,updateCost 函数(显然负责将修改添加到主网格) 从未被调用(ROS_INFO从不抛出它的消息)。因此,不会生成本地地图,这会导致 RVIZ 抛出“未收到地图”-警告。




#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <costmap_2d/costmap_layer.h>
#include <costmap_2d/layered_costmap.h>
#include <costmap_2d/GenericPluginConfig.h>
#include <costmap_2d/static_layer.h>
#include <costmap_2d/costmap_math.h>
#include <tf2/LinearMath/Transform.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
#include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h>
#include <map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate.h>
#include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>

PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace::OTCLayer, costmap_2d::Layer)

using costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION;
using costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
using costmap_2d::FREE_SPACE;

namespace occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace

    OTCLayer::OTCLayer() : dsrv_(NULL) {}

        if (dsrv_){
            delete dsrv_;

    void OTCLayer::onInitialize()
      ros::NodeHandle nh("~/" + name_), g_nh;
      current_ = true;

      global_frame_ = layered_costmap_->getGlobalFrameID();

      nh.param("use_max_value_when_combining", use_max_value_, false);
      nh.param("map_topic", map_topic,  std::string("map"));
      nh.param("marking", marking_, false);
      nh.param("clearing", clearing_, false);

      // Only resubscribe if topic has changed
      if (map_sub_.getTopic() != ros::names::resolve(map_topic))
            // we'll subscribe to the latched topic that the map server uses
            ROS_INFO("Requesting the map from topic %s", map_topic.c_str());
            map_sub_ = g_nh.subscribe(map_topic, 1, &OTCLayer::incomingMap, this);
            map_received_ = false;
            has_updated_data_ = false;

            ros::Rate r(10);
            while (!map_received_ && g_nh.ok())
                ROS_INFO("Waiting for OccGrid...");

            ROS_INFO("Received a %d X %d map at %f m/pix", getSizeInCellsX(), getSizeInCellsY(), getResolution());

            if (subscribe_to_updates_)
                ROS_INFO("Subscribing to updates");
                map_update_sub_ = g_nh.subscribe(map_topic + "_updates", 10, &OTCLayer::incomingUpdate, this);
            has_updated_data_ = true;

      if (dsrv_)
            delete dsrv_;

      dsrv_ = new dynamic_reconfigure::Server<costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig>(nh);
      dynamic_reconfigure::Server<costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig>::CallbackType cb = boost::bind(
          &OTCLayer::reconfigureCB, this, _1, _2);

    void OTCLayer::reconfigureCB(costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig &config, uint32_t level)
      if (config.enabled != enabled_)
            enabled_ = config.enabled;
            has_updated_data_ = true;
            x_ = y_ = 0;
            width_ = size_x_;
            height_ = size_y_;

    void OTCLayer::matchSize()
      // If we are using rolling costmap, the static map size is
      //   unrelated to the size of the layered costmap
      if (!layered_costmap_->isRolling())
            Costmap2D* master = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
            resizeMap(master->getSizeInCellsX(), master->getSizeInCellsY(), master->getResolution(),
                  master->getOriginX(), master->getOriginY());

    void OTCLayer::incomingMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& new_map)
      ROS_INFO("In OTCLayer::incomingMap");
      unsigned int size_x = new_map->info.width, size_y = new_map->info.height;

      ROS_DEBUG("Received a %d X %d map at %f m/pix", size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution);

      // resize costmap if size, resolution or origin do not match
      Costmap2D* master = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
      if (size_x_ != size_x || size_y_ != size_y ||
               resolution_ != new_map->info.resolution ||
               origin_x_ != new_map->info.origin.position.x ||
               origin_y_ != new_map->info.origin.position.y)
            // only update the size of the costmap stored locally in this layer
            ROS_INFO("Resizing static layer to %d X %d at %f m/pix", size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution);
            resizeMap(size_x, size_y, new_map->info.resolution,
                  new_map->info.origin.position.x, new_map->info.origin.position.y);

      unsigned int index = 0;

      // initialize the costmap with static data
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y; ++i)
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x; ++j)
            unsigned char value = new_map->data[index];
            if(marking_ && !clearing_ && value!=-1 && value!=0)
                //if only marking = true and value is an obstacle -> set costmap-value to obstacle
                costmap_[index] = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
            else if(!marking_ && clearing_ && value==0)
                    //if only clearing = true and value is free_space -> set costmap-value to free_space
                costmap_[index] = FREE_SPACE;
            else if(marking_ && clearing_ && value!=-1)
                    //if marking = true and clearing = true and value is not no_information -> set costmap-value to either obstacle or free_space
                        costmap_[index] = FREE_SPACE;
                        costmap_[index] = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
      map_frame_ = new_map->header.frame_id;

      // we have a new map, update full size of map
      x_ = y_ = 0;
      width_ = size_x_;
      height_ = size_y_;
      map_received_ = true;
      has_updated_data_ = true;
      ROS_INFO("In OTCLayer::incomingMap - finished.");

    void OTCLayer::incomingUpdate(const map_msgs::OccupancyGridUpdateConstPtr& update)
      unsigned int di = 0;
      for (unsigned int y = 0; y < update->height ; y++)
            unsigned int index_base = (update->y + y) * size_x_;
            for (unsigned int x = 0; x < update->width ; x++)
                unsigned int index = index_base + x + update->x;
                unsigned char value = update->data[di++];
                if(marking_ && !clearing_ && value!=-1 && value!=0){
                    //if only marking = true and value is an obstacle -> set costmap-value to obstacle
                    costmap_[index] = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
                else if(!marking_ && clearing_ && value==0){
                    //if only clearing = true and value is free_space -> set costmap-value to free_space
                    costmap_[index] = FREE_SPACE;
                else if(marking_ && clearing_ && value!=-1){
                    //if marking = true and clearing = true and value is not no_information -> set costmap-value to either obstacle or free_space
                        costmap_[index] = FREE_SPACE;
                        costmap_[index] = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
      x_ = update->x;
      y_ = update->y;
      width_ = update->width;
      height_ = update->height;
      has_updated_data_ = true;

    void OTCLayer::activate()

    void OTCLayer::deactivate()
      if (subscribe_to_updates_)

    void OTCLayer::reset()

    void OTCLayer::updateBounds(double robot_x, double robot_y, double robot_yaw, double* min_x, double* min_y,
                                   double* max_x, double* max_y)
      if( !layered_costmap_->isRolling() )
            if (!map_received_ || !(has_updated_data_ || has_extra_bounds_))
              ROS_ERROR("IN OTCLayer::updateBounds: FAILED TO RECEIVE MAP!");
      useExtraBounds(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y);

      double wx, wy;

      mapToWorld(x_, y_, wx, wy);
      *min_x = std::min(wx, *min_x);
      *min_y = std::min(wy, *min_y);

      mapToWorld(x_ + width_, y_ + height_, wx, wy);
      *max_x = std::max(wx, *max_x);
      *max_y = std::max(wy, *max_y);

      has_updated_data_ = false;

    void OTCLayer::updateCosts(costmap_2d::Costmap2D& master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j)
        ROS_INFO("In OTCLayer::updateCosts");
        if (!map_received_)
            ROS_ERROR("IN OTCLayer::updateCosts: FAILED TO RECEIVE MAP!");

        if (!enabled_)
            ROS_INFO("In OTCLayer::updateCosts - updating master_grid using max_value.");
            updateWithMax(master_grid, min_i, min_j, max_i, max_j);
            ROS_INFO("In OTCLayer::updateCosts - updating master_grid using overwrite.");
            updateWithOverwrite(master_grid, min_i, min_j, max_i, max_j);

}  // namespace occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace



#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <costmap_2d/costmap_layer.h>
#include <costmap_2d/layered_costmap.h>
#include <costmap_2d/GenericPluginConfig.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
#include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h>
#include <map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate.h>
#include <message_filters/subscriber.h>

namespace occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace

class OTCLayer : public costmap_2d::CostmapLayer
  virtual ~OTCLayer();
  virtual void onInitialize();
  virtual void activate();
  virtual void deactivate();
  virtual void reset();

  virtual void updateBounds(double robot_x, double robot_y, double robot_yaw, double* min_x, double* min_y,
                            double* max_x, double* max_y);
  virtual void updateCosts(costmap_2d::Costmap2D& master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j);

  virtual void matchSize();

   * @brief  Callback to update the costmap's map from the map_server
   * @param new_map The map to put into the costmap. The origin of the new
   * map along with its size will determine what parts of the costmap's
   * static map are overwritten.
  void incomingMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& new_map);
  void incomingUpdate(const map_msgs::OccupancyGridUpdateConstPtr& update);
  void reconfigureCB(costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig &config, uint32_t level);

  std::string global_frame_;  ///< @brief The global frame for the costmap
  std::string map_frame_;  /// @brief frame that map is located in
  std::string map_topic;  ///topic where to find the occupancy grid
  bool subscribe_to_updates_;
  bool map_received_;
  bool has_updated_data_;
  bool marking_;
  bool clearing_;
  unsigned int x_, y_, width_, height_;
  bool use_max_value_;
  ros::Subscriber map_sub_, map_update_sub_;

  unsigned char lethal_threshold_, unknown_cost_value_;

  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig> *dsrv_;

}  // namespace occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace



    - {name: occgrid_to_costmap_layer, type: "occgrid_to_costmap_layer_namespace::OTCLayer"}
    - {name: static_layer, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
    - {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
  track_unknown_space: true
  global_frame: global_costmap_link #according to ros base_local_planner page it should be the same frame as the odometry runs in (/odom atm).
  robot_base_frame: base_link
  update_frequency: 10.0 # data comes in
  publish_frequency: 10.0 # costmap publishes info
  rolling_window: true
  recovery_behavior: false
      map_topic: "test_occ_grid"
      map_topic: "prediction_occ_grid"
      lethal_cost_threshold: 1

请注意,该代码基于 costmaps_2D 的 static_layer-code。我试图删除任何不必要的东西但没有完全理解完整的源代码,所以那里可能仍然有不必要的部分(或者最终删除了必要的部分?)。

问题出在 local_costmap_params.yaml 中,我在插件描述中将我的静态层重命名为 static_layer(请参阅 yaml 顶部)但在因此不存在的 static_layer_path_detection 命名空间中声明了 map_topic。因此,静态层找不到 map_topic.

如果您 运行 遇到类似问题,请确保 您在 costmap.yaml 中的所有插件都已正确配置 !所有插件都必须接收 layered_costmap-file 的输入数据才能调用 update_costs-function!
