如何初始化 Apache-Zookeeper 的白名单?

How do I initialize the whitelist for Apache-Zookeeper?

我是 Apache Kafka 的新手。 我已经将它安装到 Ubuntu Linux VM (18.04) 中。

我已经使用默认配置从 Kafka 目录启动了 Zookeeper。

Zookeeper 看起来启动成功了。 从另一个终端 window 我正在尝试测试。 我正在使用 Telnet 连接到它并尝试发送“stat”命令。


我是 Apache/kafka 的新手,linux 经验有限。 我四处搜索,但我不太清楚如何更新白名单。

我从 Zookeeper 文档中找到以下片段:

4lw.commands.whitelist (Java system property: zookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist)

New in 3.4.10: This property contains a list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands. It is introduced to provide fine grained control over the set of commands ZooKeeper can execute, so users can turn off certain commands if necessary. By default it contains all supported four letter word commands except "wchp" and "wchc", if the property is not specified. If the property is specified, then only commands listed in the whitelist are enabled.

Here's an example of the configuration that enables stat, ruok, conf, and isro command while disabling the rest of Four Letter Words command: 4lw.commands.whitelist=stat, ruok, conf, isro Users can also use asterisk option so they don't have to include every command one by one in the list. As an example, this will enable all four letter word commands: 4lw.commands.whitelist=*




KAFKA_OPTS="-Dzookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist=*" bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties

对我来说,将以下行之一(或变体)添加到 config/zookeeper.properties 文件(在安装文件夹中)有效。

  • 4lw.commands.whitelist=stat, ruok, conf, isro
  • 4lw.commands.whitelist=*


4lw.commands.whitelist=stat, ruok, conf, isro
