SmartEdit:除非刷新页面,否则嵌套 CMS 组件中的更改不会反映出来

SmartEdit : Changes in nested CMS Component are not reflecting until unless refresh the page

SAP 商务 1811

我创建了一个自定义 CMS 组件,其中分配了一组 CMSlink组件。每当我在嵌套的 CMSLinkComponent 中更改某些内容并单击子编辑器中的“保存”按钮时,父编辑器“保存”按钮未启用,如果我取消父编辑器,link 更改不会得到反映,除非我再次刷新页面。

它是 SmartEdit 中的现有错误吗?或者我遗漏了什么?



  • We have seen that when editing nested components SmartEdit only refreshes the component if the parent component is changed. However, if only children components are modified then no automatic update is performed by SmartEdit
  • This forces the customer to manually refresh the page.


  • When editing, the component in the storefront needs to be refreshed if at least one of the children components (regardless of the level of nesting) is modified.
  • Fix must work in 2005. Backporting tickets need to be created as subtasks.

如果是,则固定在 1811.22: