
Distributing side pots in poker




  1. 获得全押玩家的最小投注。
  2. 将其乘以下注超过该金额的玩家人数。
  3. 将彩池分给下注超过金额的玩家中的赢家。
  4. 将全押减去以下边池。
  5. 重复第 1 步,直到没有更多的罐子可以分配。



A bet(200). 

B all-in (80). 

C all-in (400). 

A folds. 

B wins the hand. 





显然这里做错了,因为 B 有权争夺 A 下注的 80 个筹码。

考虑每位玩家下注的第 n 个筹码。有资格获得该筹码的玩家是那些没有弃牌且至少下注 n 的玩家。将筹码分配给持有最佳手牌的合格玩家。


A 200 fold
B 80  call  [best hand]
C 400 call
  • A 的筹码 1-80 有 2 名符合条件的玩家(B 和 C),B 有最好的一手牌。所以B取80.
  • A 的筹码 81-200 有 1 名符合条件的玩家 (C)。 C取120.
  • B 的筹码 1-80 有 2 名符合条件的玩家(B 和 C),B 有最好的一手牌。所以B取80.
  • C 的筹码 1-80 有 2 名符合条件的玩家(B 和 C),B 有最好的一手牌。所以B取80.
  • C 的筹码 81-400 有 1 名符合条件的玩家 (C)。 C取320.


我把描述写成一个筹码一个筹码,但你可以优化(就像我在工作示例中所做的那样)通过考虑所有未弃牌玩家的下注大小下的筹码削减范围(即:在在您的示例中为 80 和 400)。

此代码应处理所有情况,并负责向弃牌玩家分配筹码。我猜你的代码已经完成了很长时间,但我无法在 Whosebug 上找到在我处理这个扑克边罐问题时有意义的代码示例,所以我分享我自己的...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Player
    public ulong potCommitment;
    public uint handStrength;
    public ulong chipsRemaining;
    public bool folded = false;
    public Player(ulong pc, uint hs, ulong chipsBehind, bool isFolded): this(pc, hs, chipsBehind)
        folded = isFolded;

    public Player(ulong pc, uint hs, ulong chipsBehind)
        potCommitment = pc;
        handStrength = hs;
        chipsRemaining = chipsBehind;

public class Program
    public static List<Player> winners = new List<Player>();
    public static List<Player> players = new List<Player>();
    public static void Main()
        players.Add(new Player(200, 60, 0, true));
        players.Add(new Player(80, 100, 0));
        players.Add(new Player(400, 85, 0, false));
        // Loop through players until no unclaimed chips in pot.
        while (PotChipsRemaining(players) > 0)
            PayOutWinners(CalculateAndSortWinners(players), players);

        // Refund players if remaining chips in pot (bigger/folded stacks)
        foreach (var player in players)
            player.chipsRemaining += player.potCommitment;
            player.potCommitment = 0;

        Console.WriteLine($"***********************\nFinal results:");

    public static List<Player> CalculateAndSortWinners(List<Player> playersInHand)
        uint highHand = 0;
        // Get highHand, skipping folded and empty pots
        foreach (var player in players) if (player.potCommitment > 0 && !player.folded)
            if (player.handStrength > highHand)
                highHand = player.handStrength;
            else if (player.handStrength == highHand)

        winners.Sort((x, y) => x.potCommitment.CompareTo(y.potCommitment));
        return winners;

    public static void PayOutWinners(List<Player> winners, List<Player> playersInHand)
        ulong collectedSidePot;
        ulong currentCommitment, collectionAmount;
        List<Player> paidWinners = new List<Player>();
        foreach (var playerPot in winners)
            collectedSidePot = 0;
            currentCommitment = playerPot.potCommitment;
            // Collect from all players who have money in pot
            foreach (var player in playersInHand) if (player.potCommitment > 0)
                    collectionAmount = Math.Min(currentCommitment, player.potCommitment);
                    player.potCommitment -= collectionAmount;
                    collectedSidePot += collectionAmount;

            int winnersToPay = 0;
            Console.WriteLine($"winners.count {winners.Count}");
            foreach (var player in winners) if (paidWinners.IndexOf(player) == -1) winnersToPay++;

            Console.WriteLine($"collectedSidePot: {collectedSidePot}  winnersToPay: {winnersToPay}");
            // Pay unpaid winners, tip dealer with remainders...
            foreach (var player in winners) if (paidWinners.IndexOf(player) == -1)
                player.chipsRemaining += collectedSidePot / (ulong)winnersToPay;
                if (player.potCommitment <= 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Player {players.IndexOf(player)} paid out.");

    // Only count potchips for unfolded players. Also prints status to Console.
    public static ulong PotChipsRemaining(List<Player> playersInHand)
        ulong tally = 0;
        foreach (var player in playersInHand) if (!player.folded)
                Console.WriteLine($"Player {players.IndexOf(player)} chips: {player.chipsRemaining}  Commitment: {player.potCommitment} \tHandStrength: {player.handStrength}\tFolded: {player.folded}");
                tally += player.potCommitment;

        foreach (var player in playersInHand) if (player.folded)
                Console.WriteLine($"Player {players.IndexOf(player)} chips: {player.chipsRemaining}  Commitment: {player.potCommitment} \tHandStrength: {player.handStrength}\tFolded: {player.folded}");

        return tally;


Final results:
Player A chips: 0      HandStrength: 60    Folded: True
Player B chips: 240    HandStrength: 100   Folded: False
Player C chips: 440    HandStrength: 85    Folded: False


这里是fiddle,可以测试场景: https://dotnetfiddle.net/P0wgR5