graphql 是否支持证书固定?

Does graphql supports certificate pining?

如果我没理解错的话,aws + graphql for mobile app 与 Firebase Realtime Database 非常相似。作为 firebase blog 后台支持证书固定。我的问题是:graphql 是否支持证书固定?

Certificate Pining 允许绕过标准证书颁发机构链,以降低将有效证书颁发给犯罪分子的风险。现在已弃用。 Firebase 实施的内容以及您的意思可能是证书透明度 (CT)。

Google's Certificate Transparency project fixes several structural flaws in the SSL certificate system, which is the main cryptographic system that underlies all HTTPS connections. These flaws weaken the reliability and effectiveness of encrypted Internet connections and can compromise critical TLS/SSL mechanisms, including domain validation, end-to-end encryption, and the chains of trust set up by certificate authorities.

从 2018 年 4 月 24 日开始,AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) 支持证书透明度。有关详细信息,请参阅以下博客 post:

Preparing for AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Support of Certificate Transparency

证书固定是浏览器的功能。 是的,几乎所有浏览器(Chrome、Firefox 等)都支持证书固定。