Xamarin.Forms 按钮在滚动视图中不起作用 (iOS)

Xamarin.Forms button does not work in scrollview (iOS)

我在 Xamarin.Forms 中创建了一个带有网格的页面。现在我也在尝试调整它以适应景观。问题是,我需要为纵向模式使用滚动视图并为横向模式禁用滚动视图。我found a solution in my other post, which works good for android, but for iOS the buttons aren't clickable. Is there an other possibility to disable the scrollview for landscape? Or how can I make the buttons clickable for iOS? I posted my code already in this post。也许有人可以帮助我。提前致谢。


 mainLayout.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition { Height = height / 8 });

现在每一行都有完美的高度,并且横向滚动被禁用。 (我分了八个,因为我现在用八行)