如何在 Linq 中更改数据库名称 Vb.net

How to Change database name in Linq Vb.net

我有一个数据库 Linq dbml 我需要在创建之前更改数据库名称

  Dim dt As New DataSchool()


Sub CreatesqldatabaseMSQL()
                Using connect As New DataSchool(GetSQLConnectionString(True))
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub

GetSQLConnectionString 这个函数Return SQLconnection string

  Public Function GetSQLConnectionString(ByVal includeDatabase As Boolean) As String
        Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder()
        'Build a connection string from the user input.'
        builder.DataSource = Msql.datasource
        builder.IntegratedSecurity = Msql.IntSec
        If builder.IntegratedSecurity = False Then
            builder.UserID = Msql.username
            builder.Password = Msql.password
        End If
        If includeDatabase Then
            builder.InitialCatalog = Msql.DatabaseName
        End If
        Return builder.ConnectionString
    End Function

Msql.Server、Msql.DatabaseName 等这是结构,您可以从这里更改数据库名称

 Public Structure Msql
        Shared datasource As String
        Shared IntSec As Boolean
        Shared username As String
        Shared password As String
        Shared DatabaseName As String
    End Structure