使用正则表达式或其他方法在字符串中的模式中查找字符串模式 Swift

Find string pattern within pattern in string using regex or other method Swift



str = "some text [outer part [inner part] back to outer part] more text"

我要删除内图[ ]离开:

str = "some text [outer part inner part back to outer part] more text"


 str = "this text [does does no need inner brackets removed] as there aren't any"

 str = "this text [does does not]  need inner brackets [removed] as there aren't any"

 str = "this text [has one [instance] of inner brackets] and another [that is] okay"

注意:如果打开和关闭分隔符不同是一个问题,我可以将它们更改为一个分隔符,例如 * 但我仍然想去掉内部分隔符。

这看起来很简单,但事实证明比我预期的要难,因为 str_replace 不能自然地检测出哪个是外部的,哪个是内部的。例如,在下面我可以找到字符 [ 但不确定如何只删除它是否在另一个 [...

let string = "some text [outer part [inner part] back to outer part] more text"

if string.range(of: "[\b(?=.*[)[a-zA-Z]{1,8}\b", options: [.regularExpression, caseInsensitive]) != nil {
print("found a match")
} else {
print("no match present")



func removeInnerDelimiters(S: String) -> String {
    var S = S
    var lastOpeningCharPos = -1
    var closingCharPos = -1
    for (index, c) in S.enumerated() {
        if c == "[" {
            lastOpeningCharPos = index
        } else if c == "]" {
            closingCharPos = index
    if lastOpeningCharPos > -1 && closingCharPos > 0 {
        S.remove(at: S.index(S.startIndex, offsetBy: closingCharPos))
        S.remove(at: S.index(S.startIndex, offsetBy: lastOpeningCharPos))
    return S

所以基本上你遍历整个字符串,当你找到第一个 ] 时,你只需删除你找到的最后一个 [,当然还有 ]


extension StringProtocol where Self: RangeReplaceableCollection {
    mutating func removeInnerBrackets() {
        if let close = firstIndex(of: "]"),
            let open = self[..<close].lastIndex(of: "["),
            let _ = self[..<open].firstIndex(of: "["),
            let _ =  self[index(after: close)...].firstIndex(of: "]") {
            remove(at: close)
            remove(at: open)

var sentence = "some text [outer [part [inner part] back to outer] part] more text"
sentence // "some text [outer [part inner part back to outer] part] more text"