在 postgresql table 数据中动态更新 python flask 中的空格
Dynamic update in postgresql table data with spaces in python flask
engine = create_engine("postgres://")
conn = engine.connect()
conn.autocommit = True
我在 Flask Route 中使用这个查询,
result = conn.execute("""UPDATE business_portal SET business_name ="""+str(business_name)+""", name_tag ="""+str(business_tag)+""",name_atr = """+str(business_attr)+""", address =""" +str(address)+""",address_tag =""" +str(address_tag)+""", address_atr = """+str(address_attr)+""", city = """+str(city)+""", city_tag ="""+str(city_tag)+""", city_atr =""" +str(city_attr)+""", state = """+str(state)+""", state_tag = """+str(state_tag)+""",state_atr = """+str(state_attr)+""",zip_code = """+str(zipcode)+""",zip_tag ="""+str(zip_tag)+""",zip_atr ="""+str(zip_attr)+""",contact_number ="""+str(contact_number)+""",num_tag = """+str(contact_tag)+""", num_atr ="""+str(contact_attr)+""",domain ="""+str(domain)+""", search_url = """+str(search_url)+""",category =""" +str(category)+""", logo_path =""" +str(logo_path)+""" WHERE id=%s """,(id))
上面的查询接受不带 space 的数据(例如 abcd)....但是当数据带有 spaces(例如 abcd efgh ijkl)时,它会显示语法错误。
SET 子句中的值需要以与 WHERE 子句中的值相同的方式引用。
>>> cur = conn.cursor()
>>> stmt = "UPDATE tbl SET col = %s WHERE id = %s"
>>> # Observe that the SET value is three separate characters
>>> cur.mogrify(stmt % ('a b c', 37))
b'UPDATE tbl SET col = a b c WHERE id = 42'
>>> # Observe that the SET value is a single, quoted value
>>> cur.mogrify(stmt, ('a b c', 37))
b"UPDATE tbl SET col = 'a b c' WHERE id = 42"
注意 cursor.mogrify
是一种 psycopg2 方法,它打印将由 cursor.execute
engine = create_engine("postgres://")
conn = engine.connect()
conn.autocommit = True
我在 Flask Route 中使用这个查询,
result = conn.execute("""UPDATE business_portal SET business_name ="""+str(business_name)+""", name_tag ="""+str(business_tag)+""",name_atr = """+str(business_attr)+""", address =""" +str(address)+""",address_tag =""" +str(address_tag)+""", address_atr = """+str(address_attr)+""", city = """+str(city)+""", city_tag ="""+str(city_tag)+""", city_atr =""" +str(city_attr)+""", state = """+str(state)+""", state_tag = """+str(state_tag)+""",state_atr = """+str(state_attr)+""",zip_code = """+str(zipcode)+""",zip_tag ="""+str(zip_tag)+""",zip_atr ="""+str(zip_attr)+""",contact_number ="""+str(contact_number)+""",num_tag = """+str(contact_tag)+""", num_atr ="""+str(contact_attr)+""",domain ="""+str(domain)+""", search_url = """+str(search_url)+""",category =""" +str(category)+""", logo_path =""" +str(logo_path)+""" WHERE id=%s """,(id))
上面的查询接受不带 space 的数据(例如 abcd)....但是当数据带有 spaces(例如 abcd efgh ijkl)时,它会显示语法错误。
SET 子句中的值需要以与 WHERE 子句中的值相同的方式引用。
>>> cur = conn.cursor()
>>> stmt = "UPDATE tbl SET col = %s WHERE id = %s"
>>> # Observe that the SET value is three separate characters
>>> cur.mogrify(stmt % ('a b c', 37))
b'UPDATE tbl SET col = a b c WHERE id = 42'
>>> # Observe that the SET value is a single, quoted value
>>> cur.mogrify(stmt, ('a b c', 37))
b"UPDATE tbl SET col = 'a b c' WHERE id = 42"
注意 cursor.mogrify
是一种 psycopg2 方法,它打印将由 cursor.execute