如何创建一个 returns 具有特定参数的对象的工厂?

How to create a Factory that returns an object with specific parameters?


private static T PostNew<T>() where T : IHttpModel, new()
        var t = HttpModelsFactory.Create<T>();
        var requestT = new RestRequest("/households", Method.POST);
        requestT.AddParameter("application/json", t.ToJson(), ParameterType.RequestBody);
        return t;

它需要创建并发送类型为 T 的对象。但是,该对象需要具有特定的属性,具体取决于类型。

class HttpModelsFactory
    public static T Create<T>() where T : IHttpModel, new()
        Type typeofT = typeof(T);
        if (typeofT.Equals(typeof(Household)))
            return CreateHousehold() as T;

    public static Household CreateHousehold()
        return new Household
            Name = Randoms.RandomString()

这将有更多 classes 而不仅仅是家庭。但是,它目前给我这个错误:“类型参数 'T' 不能与 'as' 运算符一起使用,因为它没有 class 类型约束,也没有 'class' 约束”我如何重构代码以使其工作或是否有更好的解决方案?


class HttpModelsFactory {
    public static T Create<T>(Action<T> configure = null) 
        where T : IHttpModel, class, new() {

        T result = new T();
        if(configure != null) configure(result);

        return result;


private static T PostNew<T>(Action<T> configure = null) 
    where T : IHttpModel, class, new() {

    var model = HttpModelsFactory.Create<T>(configure);
    var request = new RestRequest("/households", Method.POST);
    request.AddParameter("application/json", model.ToJson(), ParameterType.RequestBody);


    return model;

导致对 PostNew 的调用可能类似于


var result = PostNew<Household>(h => {
    h.Name = Randoms.RandomString();
