我可以创建一个包含 "linked records" 列中不存在的记录的 Airtable 视图吗?

Can I create an Airtable view containing records not present in a "linked records" column?

我有一个 table 列,如:

Name (Single Line Text) | Partner (Link to "Name")
----------------------- | --------------------------
John Doe                | `Jane Doe`
Jane Doe                | (Empty)
Bob Smith               | `Mary Smith` `Kevin Smith`
Mary Smith              | (Empty)
Kevin Smith             | (Empty)
Alan Stephens           | (Empty)

我想为此 table 创建一个新视图,过滤方式如下:

WHERE {Partner (field)} is not empty
OR {Partner (column)} does not contain {Name}


Name (Single Line Text) | Partner (Link to "Name")
----------------------- | --------------------------
John Doe                | `Jane Doe`
Bob Smith               | `Mary Smith` `Kevin Smith`
Alan Stephens           | (Empty)

这里的挑战是,在我的过滤器的第 1 行,我正在寻找“在 Partner 列中没有链接记录的记录”,但在第 2 行,我正在寻找“记录未在任何其他记录的 Partner 列中找到。

总体目标是生成一个记录列表,其中没有 Partner(s) 加上 条不属于其他人 Partner 的记录。有办法实现吗?

我发现像这样的过滤器不在 Airtable 的可用功能集之内。我能够实施解决方法:

  1. 添加包含 this video (script gist)
  2. 中描述的脚本的脚本块
  3. 使用脚本块填充 table (Partner Of)
  4. 上的新列
Name (Single Line Text) | Partner (Link to "Name")   | Partner Of (Link to "Name")
----------------------- | -------------------------- | ---------------------------
John Doe                | `Jane Doe`                 | (Empty)
Jane Doe                | (Empty)                    | `John Doe`
Bob Smith               | `Mary Smith` `Kevin Smith` | (Empty)
Mary Smith              | (Empty)                    | `Bob Smith`
Kevin Smith             | (Empty)                    | `Bob Smith`
Alan Stephens           | (Empty)                    | (Empty)
  1. 使用如下过滤器创建新视图:
WHERE {Partner Of} is empty