Java 使用字符串数组列表进行插入排序

Java Insertion Sorting with ArrayLists of Strings

我有一个关于排序的作业,它要求我通过将以相同字母开头的字母放在 group/zones 中并按字母顺序对该组进行排序来对随机单词列表进行排序。我的代码对单词进行了排序,但我的问题是某些单词发生了变化。例如,而不是输出为



这是我的排序代码;我的 driver class 只接受随机单词列表:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

public class ZoneSort 

ArrayList[] arrayOfZones;
ArrayList<String> words; 

public ZoneSort(ArrayList<String> words)
    arrayOfZones = new ArrayList [ 26 ];
    for(int index = 0; index < 26;index++)
        arrayOfZones [ index ] = new ArrayList();
    this.words = words; 

private  void putWordsIntoZones()
    for(String word: words)
        int index = Character.toLowerCase(word.charAt(0)) - 97; 
        ArrayList<String> zoneAtIndex = arrayOfZones[index];

public  void sortTheArrayOfZones() 
        for(ArrayList<String> zone : arrayOfZones )

private  void sortZone(ArrayList<String> zone)
        for(int i = 1; i < zone.size(); i++)
            String key = zone.get(i);
            int j = i-1;
            while(j>=0 && key.compareTo(zone.get(j)) > 0)
                String x = zone.get(j+1);
                zone.set(j, x);
            String x = zone.get(j+1);
            x = key;

public   void printArrayOfZones()
    System.out.println("The sorted words are");
    for(ArrayList<String> zone:arrayOfZones)
        for(String word: zone)

阅读你的代码并查看你的结果,你的代码似乎覆盖了值而不是交换它们。要解决此问题,您需要查看函数排序。 我已经修改了你的代码,这样你就可以交换两个元素而不是覆盖:

private  void sortZone(ArrayList<String> zone){
    for(int i = 1; i < zone.size(); i++){
        String key = zone.get(i);
        int j = i-1;
        while(j>=0 && key.compareTo(zone.get(j)) > 0){
            String x = zone.get(j+1);
            zone.set(j+1,zone.get(j)); // line added
            zone.set(j, x);
        String x = zone.get(j+1);
        x = key;


如果我将您的 sortZone 实现与参考插入排序实现进行比较,例如 我看到以下差异 - 请参阅内联评论

        for(int i = 1; i < zone.size(); i++)
            String key = zone.get(i);
            int j = i-1;

// The sort order is reversed.
// You've used "key > zone[j]" when it should be "key < zone[j]"

            while(j>=0 && key.compareTo(zone.get(j)) < 0)
// This is copying items backwards, towards the beginning of the array. 
//                String x = zone.get(j+1);
//                zone.set(j, x);
// It should be copying items forwards, towards the end, to make room for "key"
// Like this:
                String x = zone.get(j);
                zone.set(j+1, x);
// You should be setting zone[j+1] = "key" - this does not do it: 
//            String x = zone.get(j+1);
//            x = key;
// This is how you set a value in a list:
            zone.set(j+1, key);