正则表达式查找结果但忽略注释 # 行

Regex to find results but ignore the commented # line

我正在尝试在 PHP 中使用正则表达式来查找 .ipmconf 文件中的内容。
并且文件中的数据在每个 [V //something] 部分中进行了分类。 这是我的 .ipmconf 文件,如下所示:

    [V5 sentry tuning]
    LossThreshold = some data here
    TopHostApplication = some data here
    #rt_comp_level : compression type allowed for "Real Time" flows
    rt_comp_level = some data here
    #tr_comp_level : compression type allowed for "Transactionnal" flows
    tr_comp_level = some data here
    #bg_comp_level : compression type allowed for "background" flows
    bg_comp_level = some data here
    tunnelcomport = some data here
    [V6 something]
    //other data here

目前我的代码只能读取数据,直到 "TopHostApplication = some data here" 行,它就停在那里。从第一个评论开始,下面有很多数据缺失。
如何忽略#comments 行并继续搜索另一行直到到达最后一行?


                $filename = $_FILES['form']['name']['config'];
                $conf = file("./components/com_rsform/uploads/config".$filename);
                $buf = implode("\n",$conf);
                preg_match('/domain = (.*)/m',$buf,$match);
                $domain = $match[1];
                   $line = array_shift ($conf);
                   if(preg_match('/^\[V\d+ (.*)\]/',$line,$match)){$section = $match[1];}
                   if ($section == "sentry tuning"){
                      $data1 ="";$data2 ="";
                      while (preg_match('/^(.*) = (.*)$/',$line,$matches)){
                      $data1 = $matches[1]; 
                      $data2 = $matches[2]; 
                      $line = array_shift($conf);}
                      $section = "";
                   elseif($section == "[V6 something]")//next section
                //echo $data1 and $data2 somewhere here

我是正则表达式和 PHP 方面的新手。提前致谢!


foreach ($conf as $line) {
    if(preg_match('/^(.*) = (.*)$/',$line,$matches)){
        $data1 = $matches[1]; 
        $data2 = $matches[2]; 

        //You presumably wanted to do something with $data1 and $data2 after this, but that's not in your example code :-)

顺便说一下:按照您的方式将整个循环放在一行中会使您的代码更难阅读,并且对已编译脚本的 size/efficiency 没有任何影响!

我修改了您的正则表达式以捕获完整的部分名称。下面应该处理整个配置。我添加了一些 echo 语句:

while (!empty($conf)) {
    $line = array_shift($conf);
    if (!preg_match('/^\[(V\d+ .*)\]/',$line,$match)) { // slightly modified regex to get the complete section name
    $section = $match[1];
    echo "section = $section\n";
    if ($section == "V5 sentry tuning") {
        while (!empty($conf)) { // processes lines up until the next section
            $line = array_shift($conf);
            if (preg_match('/^\[(V\d+ .*)\]/',$line,$match)) { // start of a new section
                array_unshift($conf, $line); // put the line back to be processed by the next section
            if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') { // a comment
            if (preg_match('/^(.*) = (.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
                $data1 = $matches[1];
                $data2 = $matches[2];
                echo "data1 = $data1, data2 = $data2\n";
    elseif ($section == 'V6 something') {
        // do something here
echo "End of processing\n";


section = V5 sentry tuning
data1 = LossThreshold, data2 = some data here
data1 = TopHostApplication, data2 = some data here
data1 = rt_comp_level, data2 = some data here
data1 = tr_comp_level, data2 = some data here
data1 = bg_comp_level, data2 = some data here
data1 = tunnelcomport, data2 = some data here
section = V6 something
End of processing