VR 对象是否需要刚体作为对撞机?

Does a VR object need a Rigidbody for a collider?

在 Unity3D 中,您需要使用碰撞器的游戏对象上的刚体,因为它们使用物理。你不需要静态游戏对象上的刚体,因为它们不使用物理,尽管你仍然需要在计算中至少有一个。


我的问题是:VR 对象是否需要刚体?(并将其设置为运动)

Colliders → Collision action matrix

=> 视情况而定。

Some of the combinations only cause one of the two objects to be affected by the collision, but the general rule is that physics will not be applied to an object that doesn’t have a Rigidbody component attached.


as the collider on the head won't use physics

但请注意,一般来说 Collision = Physics。


正如您在上面的矩阵中看到的,例如对于与静态对象的碰撞,事件(如 OnCollisionEnter)将仅在具有 (kinematic o not) Rigidbody 的对象上调用,而不是在静态对象上调用。

static 在这里意味着它没有附加 Rigidbody 组件,即使它被代码移动或者换句话说:只要场景中有东西移动它就应该有一个(运动学)Rigidbody 组件!

You can add colliders to a GameObject without a Rigidbody component to create floors, walls and other motionless elements of a Scene. These are referred to as static colliders. At the opposite, colliders on a GameObject that has a Rigidbody are known as dynamic colliders.