使用 MySQL 相关性的搜索引擎开发,而不是 PHP
Search Engine Developement using MySQL relevancy, not working on PHP
我有点难以应对 SQL/PHP 请求。我正在尝试从搜索查询中获得最高的相关性分数。它在 SQL 上完美运行,但在 PHP 上完全不运行,无论是在本地主机上还是在线上(而源代码是由 phpmyadmin 本身生成的)。
$connect = mysqli_connect('a', 'b','c','d');
$sql1 = "SELECT job, MATCH (job) AGAINST (\'sales representative\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM general_comp ORDER BY score DESC limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql1);
echo $result;
显然 SQL 连接有效,因为其他请求工作得很好。
您需要 fetch the results 来自资源 $result
$connect = mysqli_connect('a', 'b','c','d');
$sql1 = "SELECT job, MATCH (job) AGAINST (\'sales representative\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM general_comp ORDER BY score DESC limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql1);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
我从事搜索引擎开发工作。 我有点难以应对 SQL/PHP 请求。我正在尝试从搜索查询中获得最高的相关性分数。它在 SQL 上完美运行,但在 PHP 上完全不运行,无论是在本地主机上还是在线上(而源代码是由 phpmyadmin 本身生成的)。
$connect = mysqli_connect('a', 'b','c','d');
$sql1 = "SELECT job, MATCH (job) AGAINST (\'sales representative\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM general_comp ORDER BY score DESC limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql1);
echo $result;
显然 SQL 连接有效,因为其他请求工作得很好。 有什么想法吗?
您需要 fetch the results 来自资源 $result
$connect = mysqli_connect('a', 'b','c','d');
$sql1 = "SELECT job, MATCH (job) AGAINST (\'sales representative\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM general_comp ORDER BY score DESC limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql1);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);