Pandas 数据汇总

Pandas Data Summarization


('Alex', ['String1', 'String34'])
('Piper', ['String5', 'String64', 'String12'])
('Nicky', ['String3', 'String21', 'String42', 'String51'])
('Linda', ['String14'])
('Suzzane', ['String11', 'String36', 'String16'])
('Alex', ['String64', 'String34', 'String12', 'String5'])
('Linda', ['String3', 'String77'])
('Piper', ['String41', 'String64', 'String11', 'String34'])
('Suzzane', ['String12'])
('Nicky', ['String11',  'String51'])
('Alex', ['String77', 'String64', 'String3', 'String5'])
('Linda', ['String51'])
('Nicky', ['String77', 'String12', 'String34'])
('Suzzane', ['String51', 'String3'])
('Piper', ['String11', 'String64', 'String5'])



('Alex', ['String1', 'String34', 'String64', 'String12', 'String5', 'String77', 'String3'])
('Piper', ['String5', 'String64', 'String12', 'String11', 'String41', 'String34'])
('Nicky', ['String3', 'String21', 'String42', 'String51', 'String11', 'String77', 'String12', 'String34'])
('Linda', ['String14', 'String3', 'String77', 'String51'])
('Suzzane', ['String11', 'String36', 'String16', 'String12', 'String51', 'String3'])

您可以将数据加载到 pandas dataframe:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data=[('Alex', ['String1', 'String34']),
('Alex', ['String64', 'String34', 'String12', 'String5']),
('Nicky', ['String11',  'String51']),
('Nicky', ['String77', 'String12', 'String34'])])
df = df.rename(columns={0:'name', 1:'strings'})

然后创建一个 function 以在 pandas 列上连接列表:

def concatenate(strings):
   strings_agg = []
    for string in strings:
    return strings_agg

最后 apply 列的函数:

df.groupby('name').apply(lambda x: concatenate(x['strings'])).to_frame()
import ast
import csv
import pandas as pd

#load data from txt file, doesnt has to be csv, can be a txt file!
df = pd.read_csv(r"D:\test\output.txt", sep="/n", header=None, names=["data"], engine='python')

#convert text data to tupels and list
df["data"] = df["data"].map(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x))
#extract surename
df["surename"] = df["data"].map(lambda x: x[0])
#extract list of strings
df["strings"] = df["data"].map(lambda x: x[1])
#create 1 row for each string in the list of strings
df = df.explode("strings")
#remove duplicate entries
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["surename", "strings"], keep="first")
#group the data by surename to get a list of unique strings (unique because we removed duplicates, order will be kept)
df_result = df.groupby(["surename"]).aggregate({"strings":list}).reset_index()
#combine both th extractd surename and the modified list of strings again
df_result["result"] = df_result.apply(lambda x: (x["surename"], x["strings"]), axis=1)

#output the data to a file of your choice
df_result[["result"]].to_csv(r"D:\test\result.txt",index=False, header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar = '')

我同意 pandas 是一个 很棒的 库,但是使用 python 内置包 [=58] 可以很容易地完成这类事情=]1。您可以简单地使用 python defaultdict with sets, and use regex finditer 进行解析。

1特别有意义,因为您的输入和输出都不属于任何 pandas 数据类型 (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame,..) 甚至是标准的 .csv/表格格式..


from collections import defaultdict
import re

dataset = defaultdict(set)

with open('output.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        itr = re.finditer("'(\S+?)'", line)
        name = next(itr).groups()[0]
        strings = {x.groups()[0] for x in itr}
        dataset[name] |= strings

with open('results.txt', 'w') as f:
    for name, strings in dataset.items():
        print(f"('{name}', {list(strings)})", file=f)


('Alex', ['String1', 'String5', 'String77', 'String64', 'String34', 'String12', 'String3'])
('Piper', ['String5', 'String11', 'String64', 'String34', 'String12', 'String41'])
('Nicky', ['String21', 'String77', 'String34', 'String11', 'String51', 'String3', 'String12', 'String42'])
('Linda', ['String77', 'String14', 'String51', 'String3'])
('Suzzane', ['String11', 'String36', 'String12', 'String16', 'String51', 'String3'])


  • 逐行阅读。我们可以使用正则表达式来捕获两个单引号 (') 之间的任何非空白字符 (\S)。因此,正则表达式模式是 '(\S+?)'。加号 + 表示匹配一个或多个字符,而 ? 使搜索成为非贪婪的(匹配尽可能少的字符),因此我们解析了所有单独的字符串,而不仅仅是一个包含所有字符串的字符串该行的内容。
  • re.finditer用于匹配具有相同模式的多个组。在这种情况下,它被用来代替 re.findall 因为 re.findall 创建了一个 listre.finditer 创建了一个 iterator. (小优化:不创建列表,因为根本不需要)
  • 然后,我们通过在 itr 上调用 next() 来捕获 name。它 returns 来自迭代器的第一个元素。
  • 然后,调用 groups() 并从返回值中取出第一项。这就是访问模式中用括号 (()) 捕获的组的方式。
  • 然后,对于迭代器 itr 的其余部分,我们只有要从中创建 python sets 的字符串,这些字符串保证唯一元素。显示的语法是 set comprehension.
  • 在同一行我们将结果集保存到 dataset 变量中,这是一个 defaultdict. defaultdicts are nice since when accessing to non-existing item, it automatically creates an entry with that type. We have used defaultdict(set) to have set as default type. The operation d[key] |= val is same thing as d[key] = d[key] | val, and the | 创建的集,它是新的 union集合和我们可能已经在 dataset.
  • 中拥有的集合
  • 最后一部分只是将输出逐行写入results.txt。将 strings 转换为列表是可选的,但这样做是为了使输出类似于问题中的内容。
data = []
a_dict = {}
unique = []

#considering that the file name is a.txt here.
#After opening the file i used the eval function to turn the string into code
#now the list data will have all the file's data, all elements inside list data are tuples
with open('a.txt','r') as file:
    for i in file.readlines():
        a = eval(i)

#here i wrote this code for collecting all unique name in a list
for i in data:
    if i[0] not in unique:

#after collecting unique names inside list unique, i performed iteration over all values inside list unique.
#then i performed iteration on the list which is holding all the data
#compared all the unique values with the list data and
#then if they are matching then adding those values inside a list a_list
#when it is finished with the iteration inside list data, it will add that list into a dict a_dict with its unique value
#a_list will be assigned a new list for the next unique value
for i in unique:
    a_list = []
    for j in data:
        if i==j[0]:
    a_dict[i] = list(tuple(a_list))
#This piece of code is to print out the data in a formatted way.
for i,j in a_dict.items():
    print("('{}', {})".format(i,j))