Angular 表单:等效于 Reactive Forms 的构造函数 ngForm 注入?

Angular form: Equivalent of constructor ngForm injection for Reactive Forms?


  <input ngModel name="firstname" required>
  <validation-error for="firstname"></validation-error> 

<validation-error> 组件对于模板驱动表单来说非常简单,因为我们可以在构造函数中注入 NgFrom 并使用 ngFrom.form.get(myControlName) 找到控件及其状态:

  selector: 'validation-error',
  template: `{{errorText}}`,
  styles: [`:host { display:block; color:red; }`]
export class ValidationErrorComponent  {
  @Input() for: string;  // name of input element
    @Optional() private ngForm: NgForm  // This works for Template forms only.
  ) { }

  get errorText() : string {
    const formControl = <FormControl>this.ngForm.form.get(this.for);
    return (formControl.errors) ? JSON.stringify(formControl.errors) : "[no error]";

但是 NgForm 似乎只为模板表单注入。是否有响应式表单的等效提供程序可以访问封闭的 FormGroup?

不注入 ngForm,而是使用 ControlContainer 访问 FormControls。


A base class for directives that contain multiple registered instances of NgControl.

  selector: 'validation-error',
  template: `{{errorText}}`,
  styles: [`:host { display:block; color:red; }`]
export class ValidationErrorComponent  {
  @Input() for: string;  // name of input element
     @Optional() private control: ControlContainer
  ) { }

  get errorText() : string {
    const formControl = <FormControl>(this.control as any).form.get(this.for);
    return (formControl.errors) ? JSON.stringify(formControl.errors) : "[no error]";
