重命名 parts/assembly 的内部程序集

Rename parts/assembly's inside assembly



Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
oDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument
'Dim oDoc As String = "K:\Flenzen\BundNutPakking\DN10 19 - DIN11864-2.iam"
Dim acd As AssemblyComponentDefinition
acd = oDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oPath As String = "C:\Thomas de Vries\K20TEST\"

Dim refDocs As DocumentsEnumerator = oDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
Dim compCount As Integer = refDocs.Count
Dim refDoc As Document
For j = 1 To compCount
    refDoc = refDocs.Item(j)
    'If the component in assembly is part then save it to "Parts" folder
    If refDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then
        refDoc.SaveAs(oPath & "02 - Onderdelen\" & j & ".ipt", False)
        'If the component in assembly is subassembly then save it to "Assembly" folder
    ElseIf refDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
        refDoc.SaveAs(oPath & "03 - Samenstellingen\" & j & ".iam", False)
    End If

'Saving a copy of the assembly document
oDoc.SaveAs(oPath & "03 - Samenstellingen\Newassemname.iam", False)

这段代码的作用是: 1 您需要打开一个程序集(这不是我想要的)。 2 它检查程序集中有多少 Parts/assembly。 3 它给 parts/assembly 一个新名称并将它们放在 te 文件夹中。 4 主程序集被放置在一个文件夹中,并赋予了一个新名称。

我不想要的是这样的: 1 从“K:\Flenzen\BundNutPakking\DN10 19 - DIN11864-2.iam”中获取 parts/assembly。 2 重命名 parts/assembly 的 whitin 并将它们放在一个文件夹中。 3 重命名master assembly并将其放入正确的文件夹中。 (这一切都没有打开文件) 4 放置您在步骤 4 中指定的新位置的主组件或打开它。

我希望你们中有这方面经验的人可以帮助我! 非常感谢。

再见, 托马斯·德弗里斯

如果您想更改装配文件中文件的位置,最好的工具是 ApprenticeServerComponent。这是用于处理 iProperty、文件引用等的 COM 组件。请参阅 Inventor SDK 或以下链接以获取示例。





1: 我打开了我要复制的程序集 2:将里面的零件保存到我不想要的新位置(所以我的所有连接都是正确的) 3:将我刚刚编辑的程序集保存到新位置 4:关闭组件 5:打开刚才保存的地方新建的程序集


           Dim oDoc As Document
            oDoc = _invApp.Documents.Open(oLocatie)

            Dim osDoc As AssemblyDocument
            osDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument

            Dim acd As AssemblyComponentDefinition
            acd = osDoc.ComponentDefinition

            Dim refDocs As DocumentsEnumerator = osDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
            Dim compCount As Integer = refDocs.Count
            Dim refDoc As Document

            For Each refDoc In refDocs
                Dim subFilenaam1 As String = refDoc.FullFileName
                Dim subFilenaam As String = subFilenaam1.Substring(subFilenaam1.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
                'For j = 1 To compCount
                Dim subsFilenaam As String
                subsFilenaam = Replace(subFilenaam, "KW", nName & "-" & Standardpartnummer)

                'refDoc = refDocs.Item(j)
                'If the component in assembly is part then save it to "Parts" folder
                If refDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then
                    refDoc.SaveAs(nLocatie & nName & " - Onderdelen\" & subsFilenaam, False)
                    'If the component in assembly is subassembly then save it to "Assembly" folder
                ElseIf refDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
                    refDoc.SaveAs(nLocatie & nName & "03 - Samenstellingen\" & subsFilenaam, False)
                End If
            oDoc.SaveAs(nLocatie & nName & " - Samenstellingen\" & Filenaam, False)

            Call oDoc.Close()

            Dim oNewDoc As Inventor.Document
            oNewDoc = _invApp.Documents.Open(nLocatie & nName & " - Samenstellingen\" & Filenaam)

        ElseIf nFilesoort = "ipt" Then

            If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(nLocatie & nFilenaam) Then
                MsgBox("Filebestaat al, er moet nog even die autonummering er in geplaats worden!")
                Exit Sub
                IO.File.Copy(oLocatie, nLocatie & nFilenaam)
            End If

            Dim oDoc As Document
            oDoc = _invApp.Documents.Open(nLocatie & nFilenaam)
        End If