Excel VBA 根据单元格值隐藏按钮
Excel VBA hiding a button based on a cell value
我有一个 500 行的电子表格,每行的 M 列中都有一个表单“属性”按钮。
我将按钮复制到 500 行电子表格的同一列,因此每一行都有一个按钮。但我真正想要的是,如果该行 A 列上的单元格为空,则隐藏该按钮。有办法吗?
作为参考,我在单击时使用的按钮下方添加了代码。目前 M 列中的每个按钮都引用了下面的宏。
Sub Button17_Click()
Dim x As Variant
Dim y As Variant
' Find Row and Column of clicked button
Dim B As Object, csNew As Integer, rsNew As Integer
Set B = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)
With B.TopLeftCell
csNew = .Column
rsNew = .Row
End With
'Find out if the row item is "SWGR/MCC/XFMR"
x = Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(rsNew, csNew + 17).value
y = Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(rsNew, csNew - 11).value
If x = "SWGR" And y = "XFMR" Then
ElseIf x = "MCC" And y = "XFMR" Then
ElseIf x = "MCC" Then
ElseIf x = "SWGR" Then
End If
Debug.Print "Button initialized"
End Sub
需要某些东西来触发 hide/unhide 按钮的代码,因此请尝试 sheet 代码模块中的 worksheet_change 事件处理程序:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, c As Range, b As Object
'only interested in ColA changes
Set rng = Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Columns("A"))
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
'check each changed cell
For Each c In rng.Cells
Set b = buttonFromCell(c)
If Not b Is Nothing Then
b.Visible = Len(c.Value) > 0 'visible only if has value
End If
Next c
End If
End Sub
'Find a button on the same row as c
Function buttonFromCell(c As Range)
Dim b As Object
For Each b In Me.Buttons
If b.TopLeftCell.Row = c.Row Then
Set buttonFromCell = b
Exit Function
End If
Set buttonFromCell = Nothing '<< no button found
End Function
我有一个 500 行的电子表格,每行的 M 列中都有一个表单“属性”按钮。
我将按钮复制到 500 行电子表格的同一列,因此每一行都有一个按钮。但我真正想要的是,如果该行 A 列上的单元格为空,则隐藏该按钮。有办法吗?
作为参考,我在单击时使用的按钮下方添加了代码。目前 M 列中的每个按钮都引用了下面的宏。
Sub Button17_Click()
Dim x As Variant
Dim y As Variant
' Find Row and Column of clicked button
Dim B As Object, csNew As Integer, rsNew As Integer
Set B = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)
With B.TopLeftCell
csNew = .Column
rsNew = .Row
End With
'Find out if the row item is "SWGR/MCC/XFMR"
x = Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(rsNew, csNew + 17).value
y = Sheets("Worksheet").Cells(rsNew, csNew - 11).value
If x = "SWGR" And y = "XFMR" Then
ElseIf x = "MCC" And y = "XFMR" Then
ElseIf x = "MCC" Then
ElseIf x = "SWGR" Then
End If
Debug.Print "Button initialized"
End Sub
需要某些东西来触发 hide/unhide 按钮的代码,因此请尝试 sheet 代码模块中的 worksheet_change 事件处理程序:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range, c As Range, b As Object
'only interested in ColA changes
Set rng = Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Columns("A"))
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
'check each changed cell
For Each c In rng.Cells
Set b = buttonFromCell(c)
If Not b Is Nothing Then
b.Visible = Len(c.Value) > 0 'visible only if has value
End If
Next c
End If
End Sub
'Find a button on the same row as c
Function buttonFromCell(c As Range)
Dim b As Object
For Each b In Me.Buttons
If b.TopLeftCell.Row = c.Row Then
Set buttonFromCell = b
Exit Function
End If
Set buttonFromCell = Nothing '<< no button found
End Function