ubuntu16.04 上的 sublime text 3 中的 C++ goto 定义有什么解决方案吗?

Is there any solution for C++ goto definition in sublime text 3 on ubuntu16.04?

我试过在 sublime text 3 中安装 ctags 包,在 ubuntu16.04 中安装 exuberant-ctag 包,但是无法完成 goto c++ 定义。所以我想知道如何在ubuntu16.04的sublime text 3中跳转到c++定义。任何建议将不胜感激。

LSP + ccls

sublimelsp/LSP 为 Sublime Text 3 实现了语言服务器协议 (LSP),您可以将其用作编辑器的语言客户端:

Language Server Protocol support for Sublime Text 3 that gives you IDE features.

ccls is an excellent C++ language server which speaks LSP. The ccls author has even answered a ticked 特别是在 Sublime Text 3 中使用 ccls:

Does ccls support sublime text 3? #265

MaskRay commented on Feb 15, 2019

ccls speaks LSP. You just need a language client for your favorite editor. For Sublime Text 3, you may try https://github.com/tomv564/LSP