索引字典列表时出现“只能对某些 xcontent 字节或压缩的 xcontent 字节调用压缩器检测”错误

'Compressor detection can only be called on some xcontent bytes or compressed xcontent bytes" error when indexing a list of dictionaries


我编写了一个脚本来读取列表(“虚拟”)并将其索引到 Elasticsearch 中。 我将列表转换为字典列表,并使用“批量”API 将其索引到 Elasticsearch 中。 该脚本曾经有效(检查相关问题的附件 link)。但在添加“timestamp”和函数“initialize_elasticsearch”后它不再起作用。

那么,怎么了?我应该使用 JSON 而不是词典列表吗?




    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-S_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 23.1",
    "Time(ms): 5.7",
    "Inference: corkscrew, bottle screw",
    "Score: 0.03125 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.05",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-M_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 29.3",
    "Time(ms): 10.8",
    "Inference: dragonfly, darning needle, devil's darning needle, sewing needle, snake feeder, snake doctor, mosquito hawk, skeeter hawk",
    "Score: 0.09375 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 56.8",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-L_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 45.6",
    "Time(ms): 31.0",
    "Inference: pick, plectrum, plectron",
    "Score: 0.09766 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.55",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: inception_v3_299_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 68.8",
    "Time(ms): 51.3",
    "Inference: ringlet, ringlet butterfly",
    "Score: 0.48047 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.3",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: inception_v4_299_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 121.8",
    "Time(ms): 101.2",
    "Inference: admiral",
    "Score: 0.59375 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.05",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: inception_v2_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 34.3",
    "Time(ms): 16.6",
    "Inference: lycaenid, lycaenid butterfly",
    "Score: 0.41406 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.3",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 14.4",
    "Time(ms): 3.3",
    "Inference: leatherback turtle, leatherback, leathery turtle, Dermochelys coriacea",
    "Score: 0.36328 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.3",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 14.5",
    "Time(ms): 3.0",
    "Inference: bow tie, bow-tie, bowtie",
    "Score: 0.33984 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.3",
    "labels: imagenet_labels.txt ",
    "Model: inception_v1_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite ",
    "Image: insect.jpg ",
    "Time(ms): 21.2",
    "Time(ms): 3.6",
    "Inference: pick, plectrum, plectron",
    "Score: 0.17578 ",
    "TPU_temp(°C): 57.3",


import elasticsearch6  
from elasticsearch6 import Elasticsearch, helpers
import datetime
import re

ES_DEV_HOST = "http://localhost:9200/"
INDEX_NAME = "coral_ia" #name of index
DOC_TYPE = 'coral_edge'  #type of data

##This is the list
dummy = ['labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-S_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 23.1\n', 'Time(ms): 5.7\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: corkscrew, bottle screw\n', 'Score: 0.03125 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.05\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-M_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 29.3\n', 'Time(ms): 10.8\n', '\n', '\n', "Inference: dragonfly, darning needle, devil's darning needle, sewing needle, snake feeder, snake doctor, mosquito hawk, skeeter hawk\n", 'Score: 0.09375 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 56.8\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: efficientnet-edgetpu-L_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 45.6\n', 'Time(ms): 31.0\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: pick, plectrum, plectron\n', 'Score: 0.09766 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.55\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: inception_v3_299_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 68.8\n', 'Time(ms): 51.3\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: ringlet, ringlet butterfly\n', 'Score: 0.48047 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.3\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: inception_v4_299_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 121.8\n', 'Time(ms): 101.2\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: admiral\n', 'Score: 0.59375 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.05\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: inception_v2_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 34.3\n', 'Time(ms): 16.6\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: lycaenid, lycaenid butterfly\n', 'Score: 0.41406 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.3\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 14.4\n', 'Time(ms): 3.3\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: leatherback turtle, leatherback, leathery turtle, Dermochelys coriacea\n', 'Score: 0.36328 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.3\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 14.5\n', 'Time(ms): 3.0\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: bow tie, bow-tie, bowtie\n', 'Score: 0.33984 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.3\n', '##################################### \n', '\n', 'labels: imagenet_labels.txt \n', '\n', 'Model: inception_v1_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite \n', '\n', 'Image: insect.jpg \n', '\n', '*The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory*\n', 'Time(ms): 21.2\n', 'Time(ms): 3.6\n', '\n', '\n', 'Inference: pick, plectrum, plectron\n', 'Score: 0.17578 \n', '\n', 'TPU_temp(°C): 57.3\n', '##################################### \n', '\n']

#This is to clean data and filter some values
regex = re.compile(r'(\w+)\((.+)\):\s(.*)|(\w+:)\s(.*)')
match_regex = list(filter(regex.match, dummy))
match = [line.strip('\n') for line in match_regex]   
print("match list", match, "\n")

##Converts the list into a list of dictionaries
groups = [{}]

for line in match:
    key, value = line.split(": ", 1)
    if key == "labels":
        if groups[-1]:
    groups[-1][key] = value

Initialize Elasticsearch by server's IP'
def initialize_elasticsearch():
    n = 0
    while n <= 10:
            es = Elasticsearch(ES_DEV_HOST)
            print("Initializing Elasticsearch...")
            return es
        except elasticsearch6.exceptions.ConnectionTimeout as e:  ###elasticsearch
            n += 1
    raise Exception

Create an index in Elasticsearch if one isn't already there
def initialize_mapping(es):
    mapping_classification = {
        'properties': {
            'timestamp': {'type': 'date'},
            #'type': {'type':'keyword'}, <--- I have removed this 
            'labels': {'type': 'keyword'},
            'Model': {'type': 'keyword'},
            'Image': {'type': 'keyword'},
            'Time(ms)': {'type': 'short'},
            'Inference': {'type': 'text'},
            'Score': {'type': 'short'},
            'TPU_temp(°C)': {'type': 'short'}
    print("Initializing the mapping ...")  
    if not es.indices.exists(INDEX_NAME):
        es.indices.put_mapping(body=mapping_classification, doc_type=DOC_TYPE, index=INDEX_NAME)

def generate_actions():
    actions = {
        '_index': INDEX_NAME,
        'timestamp': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"'T'"%H:%M:%S")),
        '_type': DOC_TYPE,
        '_source': groups

    yield actions
    print("Generating actions ...")
    #print("actions:", actions)
    #print(type(actions), "\n")

def main():
        res=helpers.bulk(client=es, index = INDEX_NAME, actions = generate_actions())
        print ("\nhelpers.bulk() RESPONSE:", res)
        print ("RESPONSE TYPE:", type(res))
    except Exception as err:
        print("\nhelpers.bulk() ERROR:", err)

if __name__ == "__main__":

这是仅使用 1 个词典进行测试时的代码

regex = re.compile(r'(\w+)\((.+)\):\s(.*)|(\w+:)\s(.*)')
match_regex = list(filter(regex.match, dummy))
match = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in match_regex]   #quita los saltos de linea
#print("match list", match, "\n")

match_out = {i.replace(' ','').split(':')[0]:i.replace(' ','').split(':')[1] for i in match if i.replace(' ','').split(':')[0] in features_wanted}






--------------------编辑-------------------- -


def generate_actions():
        '_index': INDEX_NAME,
        '_type': DOC_TYPE,
        '_source': {
            "any": doc,
            "@timestamp": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"'T'"%H:%M:%S")),}
        for doc in groups]


所以你需要像这样重写你的 generate_actions fn:

def generate_actions():
    return [{
        'timestamp': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"'T'"%H:%M:%S")),
        '_index': INDEX_NAME,
        '_type': DOC_TYPE,
        '_source': doc
    } for doc in groups]      # <----- note the form loop here. `_source` needs
                              # to be the doc, not the whole groups list

    print("Generating actions ...")

此外,我建议您在构造 groups:

groups[-1][key] = value.strip()