volatile 被移除,现在没有效果。与 torch.no_grad(): 一起使用

volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use with torch.no_grad(): instead

我遇到了这个错误,你能帮帮我吗? 这是我在 utils.py 文件

 content/gdrive/My Drive/DeepFakeDetection/utils.py:21: UserWarning:
 volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use with torch.no_grad():
 instead. return Variable(x, volatile=volatile)

这是我在 utils.py 文件中的代码

 def to_var(x, volatile=False):
     if torch.cuda.is_available(): 
        x = x.cuda() 
     return Variable(x, volatile=volatile)



def to_var(x, volatile=False):
>     with torch.no_grad():
>         if torch.cuda.is_available():
>             x = x.cuda()
>     return x