未处理的异常:不支持的操作:通用 DartType 的序列化:UnknownType(?) (UnknownType)
Unhandled exception: Unsupported operation: serialization of generic DartType: UnknownType(?) (UnknownType)
Unhandled exception: Unsupported operation: serialization of generic DartType: UnknownType(?) (UnknownType)
每次我尝试 运行 我的项目。
我 运行 flutter packages pub run build_runner build
我得到 pub finished with exit code 78
/// Something was unconfigured or mis-configured.
const CONFIG = 78;
This is likely because the.dart_tool/build
folder was deleted, or you are submitting generated files to your source repository.
[SEVERE] Conflicting outputs were detected and the build is unable to prompt for permission to remove them. These outputs must be removed manually or the build can be run with `--delete-conflicting-outputs
然后我继续 运行 flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
[INFO] Succeeded after 49.5s with 14 outputs (227 actions)
然后在 运行我的应用程序中,我们得到 the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.
通过添加 build.yaml
# Options configure how source code is generated for every
# `@JsonSerializable`-annotated class in the package.
# The default value for each is listed.
any_map: false
checked: false
create_factory: true
create_to_json: true
disallow_unrecognized_keys: false
explicit_to_json: false
field_rename: none
ignore_unannotated: false
include_if_null: true
nullable: true
[INFO] Succeeded after 199ms with 0 outputs (0 actions)
Unhandled exception: Unsupported operation: serialization of generic DartType: UnknownType(?) (UnknownType)
每次我尝试 运行 我的项目。
我 运行 flutter packages pub run build_runner build
我得到 pub finished with exit code 78
/// Something was unconfigured or mis-configured. const CONFIG = 78;
This is likely because the
folder was deleted, or you are submitting generated files to your source repository. [SEVERE] Conflicting outputs were detected and the build is unable to prompt for permission to remove them. These outputs must be removed manually or the build can be run with `--delete-conflicting-outputs
然后我继续 运行 flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
[INFO] Succeeded after 49.5s with 14 outputs (227 actions)
然后在 运行我的应用程序中,我们得到 the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.
通过添加 build.yaml
# Options configure how source code is generated for every
# `@JsonSerializable`-annotated class in the package.
# The default value for each is listed.
any_map: false
checked: false
create_factory: true
create_to_json: true
disallow_unrecognized_keys: false
explicit_to_json: false
field_rename: none
ignore_unannotated: false
include_if_null: true
nullable: true
[INFO] Succeeded after 199ms with 0 outputs (0 actions)