'(props: ITableProps) => JSX.Element' 类型的参数不可分配给类型的参数 ... - React HOC

Argument of type '(props: ITableProps) => JSX.Element' is not assignable to parameter of type ... - React HOC

我有一个装载机 HOC


const withLoader = <P extends object>(WrappedComponent: new () => React.Component<P, any>, loading: boolean) => {

    return class WithLoading extends React.Component<P, any> {
        render() {

            return (
                <div >
                    <div className={`${loading} ? 'loader' : '' "></div>
                    <WrappedComponent {...this.props} /> 


const TableHOC = withLoader(Table,true);

现在我的 table 或任何其他组件,例如,将有自己明确定义的道具界面。一切都打得很好。


Argument of type '(props: ITableProps) => JSX.Element' is not assignable to parameter of type 'new () => Component<object, any, any>'.
  Type '(props: ITableProps) => Element' provides no match for the signature 'new (): Component<object, any, any>'.ts(2345)


您需要使用 React.ComponentType 作为类型:

const withLoader = <P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>, loading: boolean) => {
  // ...

不过请注意,如果您计划通过状态更改来切换 loading 的值,您将希望将其作为道具传递。这是因为每次你调用withLoader得到一个增强的组件出来,它是一个新组件,意味着如果你在render里面做,React会始终卸载并重新安装该呈现的组件。这也意味着增强组件内的任何状态都将丢失。


interface WithLoadingProps {
  loading: boolean;

const withLoader = <P extends object>(
  WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>
) => {
  return class WithLoading extends React.Component<P & WithLoadingProps, any> {
    render() {
      const { loading } = this.props;
      return (
          <div className={loading ? "loader" : ""}>
            <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />


const MyComponent = ({ text }: { text: string }) => {
  return <div>{text}</div>;
const MyLoadingComponent = withLoader(MyComponent);

class Foo extends React.Component<{}, { loading: boolean }> {
  render() {
    const { loading } = this.state;
    return <MyLoadingComponent loading={loading} text="foo" />;

最重要的是,还可以考虑添加 displayName as instructed in React's documentation - 这将增强您在使用 React 的开发工具时的调试体验。



interface WithLoadingProps {
  loading: boolean;

const getDisplayName = <P extends object>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>) =>
  Component.displayName || Component.name || "Component";

const withLoader = <P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>) => {
  class WithLoading extends React.Component<P & WithLoadingProps, any> {
    static readonly displayName = `WithLoading(${getDisplayName(WrappedComponent)})`;

    render() {
      const { loading } = this.props;
      return (
          <div className={loading ? "loader" : ""}>
            <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />

  return WithLoading;