如何将变量文件名传递给 python ete?

How to pass variable filename to python ete?

我正在尝试使用以下代码从文件中加载 newick 字符串:

filename = templist[1].lower().replace(" ","") + ".nwk"
tt = Tree(filename, format=1)


 tt = Tree(filename, format=1) # Loads a tree structure from a newick string. The returned variable tt is the root node for the tree.
  File "/python2.7/dist-packages/ete2-2.2.1072-py2.7.egg/ete2/coretype/tree.py", line 225, in __init__
    read_newick(newick, root_node = self, format=format)
  File "/python2.7/dist-packages/ete2-2.2.1072-py2.7.egg/ete2/parser/newick.py", line 237, in read_newick
    'Unexisting tree file or Malformed newick tree structure.'
ete2.parser.newick.NewickError: Unexisting tree file or Malformed newick tree structure.



你确定 format=1 是正确的吗?


for named internal nodes we will use format 1

您确定您的 newick 树已命名内部节点吗?如果不是,请尝试不向 format 参数传递任何值。

此外,请确保文件名是文件的 absolute 路径,或者它的相对路径,例如 a.nwk,然后确保文件存在于所在目录中你是 运行 python 脚本。